Tarique Sani.net

Eyes 3
I know this picture is technically lousy, has shake and is a bit out of focus. Still I like it because of the playfulness of her eyes
DSCN4768_fk.jpg  DSCN1565_fk.jpg  candidF.jpg  sparklers.jpg  lamps.jpg 
File information
Album name:We
Keywords:swati BW
File Size:124 KB
Date added:April 18, 2004
Dimensions:800 x 600 pixels
Displayed:899 times
DateTime digitized:2004:04:12 15:20:02
Exposure Time:1/5 sec
FNumber:f 3.3
Flash:No Flash
Focal length:18.8 mm
Focus Mode: AF-C
Metering Mode:Multi-Segment
Quality: FINE
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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