Tarique Sani.net

She simply is...
Taken in the same setting as Aasim's MIB picture. I like the expression in her eyes, see http://tariquesani.net/displayimage.php?pos=-39
trends~0.jpg  tariqueMIB.jpg  swatiMIB.jpg  Family2.jpg  Family1a.jpg 
File information
Album name:We
Rating (4 votes):(Details)
Keywords:BW swati
File Size:32 KB
Date added:July 21, 2003
Dimensions:640 x 480 pixels
Displayed:1720 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites
Kaja [August 10, 2003]
Rod [August 18, 2003]
simply great ... Simple, but great emotions inside the eyes
Anon [November 2, 2003]
How do you make this black effect?
tariquesani [November 4, 2003]
Have updated the description :)

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