Golden Shackles….

Golden Shackles...
Golden Shackles...

Rank and riches are chains of gold, but still chains. – Giovanni Ruffini

Swarna – the golden one!


Yes, thats her name and she literally personifies it with her skin tone, but thats not all there is to her – she is 30+ a kathak Bharatnatyam dancer and – hold your breath – a geek by profession. Though (un?)fortunately not much into FOSS and I am not going to push my luck in trying to convert her.

She is one of those rare type of women who knows herself and not afraid to reach out to get what she wants, neither is she afraid of letting the world know what she is. Amid all this she still manages to be non-aggressive and almost merging with the crowd.

Yeah, yeah! I know the question and I have to admit that I am lucky – I saw her in a shopping mall and mentioned her to Swati, next thing I see is that Swati is talking to her – the rest, to lamely borrow a phrase, is history.

She is not from Nagpur but will be around for a year… and has agreed to be my muse for that period of time.

More?! Search and you shall find….

Nakedness is in the eye of the beholder

The mask

“I hope you don’t think I’d ever do anything like that, I mean, just step out of the drier, if anyone were seeing me. It was just viewing.”

“Same thing, isn’t it?” asked Baley.

“Not at all the same thing. You’re viewing me right now. You can’t touch me, can you, or smell me, or anything like that. You could if you were seeing me. Right now, I’m two hundred miles away from you at least. So how can it be the same thing?”

Baley grew interested. “But I see you with my eyes.”

“No, you don’t see me. You see my image. You’re viewing me.”

“And that makes a difference?”

“All the difference there is.”

For many of you the above passage would be familiar, it is from the novel “The Naked Sun” by Issac Asimov where the hero has just initiated a Sci-Fi equivalent of a web-cam messaging with a beautiful murder suspect.

Are these ethics still science fiction?

Fine Lines of discrimination

fine lines

Been grappling with some fine lines of discrimination lately – no this has nothing to do with the picture! More on the picture later. It is about the small but significant differentiations between some very similar looking birds for example the difference between Oriental Skylark and Syke’s Crested Lark. Hint: Look at the crest and beak. This confusion is at its prime when it comes to warblers – almost half of them look like the other half of them 😉

With ornithology getting big in our daily routine – this is one thing which I have to master as best as possible. Another exciting thing on this front is that we have been able to garner substantial support from bird watchers of the city and have in hand a lot of data – hope to put it to good use very soon, the data contains some almost unbelievable reports but with our own sighting of European Roller and Cinnamon Bittern I am inclined to believe anything….

Coming to picture adjacent the aim was to produce just the outline of the body using only a single light – this was successfully achieved by placing the light at 10 O’clock position in both planes. The fair skin of the model helped a lot in this case.

Just for kinks ;)


Erotic Minimalism


I am not too great a fan of Minimalism when it is applied to painting or philosophy or for that matter most of photography, however when it comes to erotic photography I very much prefer pictures which develop not through stark visual narrative but through visual suggestion. Pictures in which the viewers inscribe their own story in the fertile grounds of their mind’s eye.

True to my own tastes there are several of my photographs where I strive to create a mood, prompt certain themes and concepts in the mind of the viewer by showing less, by association of ideas, by dabbling in erotic ambiguities rather than through a complete picture. In these pictures, because I am operating in the realms of open-imagination I can insinuate the inexplicable or the unmentionable taboos and still get away with it 😉

Judging from the number responses that I get I can safely presume that this kind of photographic art is widely appreciated and from the content of those responses that I have achieved a fair degree of success in taking these pictures.

Yes, there have been detractors who have accused me of pornography or something as opposite and inane as the “pictures do not show enough”! For them all I can say is – Surf on please…

P.S. I keep my promises