Chand si mehbooba ho meri…

Chand si mehbooba ho meri kab aaisa maine soocha tha…
Haan tum bilkul waisi ho jaisa maine soocha tha!!


Spent a lazy Sunday afternoon taking pictures of her in Aasim’s room

Freedom past midnight

Had taken upon myself the job to provide Swati with the best Linux workstation in the network, but there was a catch – the system had to be dual booting and then a nested trap, the same Winduhs partition should also be boot from within VMWare. Had it been just a straight forward Red Hat install it wouldn’t have taken more than an hour BUT this stupid M$ stuff made me do the complete thing thrice. Finally I dumped Win ME and put in Win 98 SR2 which worked fine all over. Anyway with CXO I dont think this is going to be used anyway.

BTW to get the hardware I had to disect 3 machines – who said doctors should stick to opening up humans ….

Brazil – Not fakes

Any body wanting to argue about the authenticity of adipose and glandular tissues on this lady’s anterior thoracic wall take a look at this
Added one more picture and a picture in the last as to why Turkey lost that match.

Note: Viewer discretion advised.

Change in style

I still can’t believe I did this to my journal, but I am sure Aasim will love it.

Have changed the style to match Aladdin, complete with a masthead of Agrabah, Cave of wonders, my name in the correct font.

On second thoughts – this is the only place where I can have design like this 😀

4th July 1998

4th July 1998, well rewind a bit more to mid October 1997, Swati was 8 months pregnant and facing the prospect of losing her job because the financial markets were in a bad shape, financial advertising was at its lowest. Back then her salary formed a major chunk of our income (now it is complete – I don’t get paid;) Thinks looked bleak – we had decided that once the baby is 3-4 months old she will move to Bangalore and try her luck at an opening which a friend had spoken about. I would stay back and look after the child till needed.

5th November 1997 Aasim was born!! he was in hind sight very aptly named by us, Aasim == Blessings. Parenthood changed our perspective, especially motherhood for Swati. Staying together as a family became a desperate need… … Nothing else mattered, whatever we do the three of us will not separate.

19th January 1998 SANIsoft was launched. Back then it was just me and Swati on a single 486DX2 in a corner of our bedroom. Swati did marketing and graphics – I did HTML, graphics and a smattering of perl, java (and PHP 🙂

Nearly 6 months passed – Swati used all her contacts with the industrialist and businessmen of the city, everyone promised but no one gave… … It looked like we had tried and failed.

4th July 1998 sometime in the late noon Swati got a call from Mr Vilas Kale (a prominent city businessman and chairperson of Vidharbha Economic Development Council) he wanted a website in 3 days. Same evening while going to the clinic I picked up our advance fee, a check for Rs5000/-

That was the end of the begining…

Arrgh! a wicked Wednesday – there is so much work that I feel like crawling back into the bed and sleeping

Ramble Mode

Aasim’s school restarted – the time schedule of our life will change for the better, no more late nights and late mornings. Good, I am a morning person 😀

Yesterday I read in ToI about a CA in Kolkatta who collects exotic birds as a hobby. The price he pays for the birds is not funny Rs1000K, Rs400K !!

You can lend the phrase “paise udana” a whole new meaning if you were to unlock the cages of these birds. Jokes apart but these are rarest birds of the planet and he is given a license to keep them just because they are not registered as endangered in India, thats Indian laws for you…

I finally got a gift of paid membership to LJ and have added half a dozen userpics. Have got several things planned – will do it whenever time and inclination are in proper conjunction.

On a wider perspective, I have been wondering about what next – I mean what next in life?

I have successfully been a Stock trader, Paediatrician, Forensic Expert, Programmer, Entrepreneur in past 15 years. In a year or two things will be ripe for change, SANIsoft will continue, it can right now run without me, well almost. I need a new vocation had SANIsoft not been there I would have perhaps said a new profession BUT right now I need a new vocation. In the past I have overlapped learning new skills with the existing profession, learnt Stock analysis/trading in MBBS, learnt Forensics when being a Paed, HTML/PHP programming when was working as a Forensic. Over past 4 years I have been too busy with SANIsoft for anything new, the restlessness is growing now…

Arts? I could draw and paint once upon a time, but then the urge is to always convert my work into money. That could be a limiting factor with my painting… It can be a hobby BUT that is it… Same is true for music…

One could say that now I can afford not to worry about money but the way I feel about money can be read at

That also puts social work and open source advocacy out of the list, besides I would prefer something which is not “about computers”

I am sure Swati will joke about this and say get a wife (for her 😉

Which reminds me that the problem I faced in this post has been finally solved – Pics? he he he!


Finally after a 6 day spell of rain the Sun made an appearence.

Not to miss the opportunity – we went for a long (well not very long) walk.

Feels nice 🙂

Of trees and roots : Part II

Well from the above it appears that what we had was a particularly large and old specimen of Callistemon rigidus
– It was nearly 50 ft high and was > 35 years old.

The most heartening news is that the tree usually comes back to life and is propogated without much difficulty – In fact there are already rootlets forming in the bark