Ramble Mode

Aasim’s school restarted – the time schedule of our life will change for the better, no more late nights and late mornings. Good, I am a morning person 😀

Yesterday I read in ToI about a CA in Kolkatta who collects exotic birds as a hobby. The price he pays for the birds is not funny Rs1000K, Rs400K !!

You can lend the phrase “paise udana” a whole new meaning if you were to unlock the cages of these birds. Jokes apart but these are rarest birds of the planet and he is given a license to keep them just because they are not registered as endangered in India, thats Indian laws for you…

I finally got a gift of paid membership to LJ and have added half a dozen userpics. Have got several things planned – will do it whenever time and inclination are in proper conjunction.

On a wider perspective, I have been wondering about what next – I mean what next in life?

I have successfully been a Stock trader, Paediatrician, Forensic Expert, Programmer, Entrepreneur in past 15 years. In a year or two things will be ripe for change, SANIsoft will continue, it can right now run without me, well almost. I need a new vocation had SANIsoft not been there I would have perhaps said a new profession BUT right now I need a new vocation. In the past I have overlapped learning new skills with the existing profession, learnt Stock analysis/trading in MBBS, learnt Forensics when being a Paed, HTML/PHP programming when was working as a Forensic. Over past 4 years I have been too busy with SANIsoft for anything new, the restlessness is growing now…

Arts? I could draw and paint once upon a time, but then the urge is to always convert my work into money. That could be a limiting factor with my painting… It can be a hobby BUT that is it… Same is true for music…

One could say that now I can afford not to worry about money but the way I feel about money can be read at https://www.nagpurcity.net/netzine/money.html

That also puts social work and open source advocacy out of the list, besides I would prefer something which is not “about computers”

I am sure Swati will joke about this and say get a wife (for her 😉

Which reminds me that the problem I faced in this post has been finally solved – Pics? he he he!

  • love your new set of icons.

    • Thanks – I knew the icons will be the *most* noticed thing!!