Home Alone!

Swati and Aasim have hopped over to Delhi for the weekend and I am home alone – this is a rare happening, We mostly travel together for business or pleasure but this time I could not join them due to a lot of things… I do have a lot of things planned out for the weekend like post processing pictures, checking out some of the new birding spots and a date with the foster-mother of one of Aasim’s friend (yeah, Swati fixed that one for me!)

I did manage to drag myself to the gym in the morning and my trainer ensured that I exercised but rest of the things are already threatening to sink into the quagmire of lethargy and inertia. I have an option of fooling myself and saying that there is a lot of work at the office but that would require morphing into a real conman 😉

In fact apart from debugging other peoples code the only task at hand is reviewing the new PHP frameworks which have been springing up lately and looks like the epidemic is spreading faster than bird-flu, BTW I feel the panic over bird-flu is totally unwarranted!

I, personally, am more of a library oriented programmer rather than favoring a framework. Still, I found that Symfony framework for PHP5 to be quite elegant specially given the fact that they have some pretty complete documentation. I very much liked the idea of having configuration as YAML files which are compiled into PHP and cached for subsequent requests, that said I still don’t see myself building a web-app which can handle 10,000,000 hits a day using that framework – in fact any generic framework has too much bloat to handle real high traffic.

Hmmm…. looks like the post has turned out to be more geeky than I intended

Disclaimer: My experience of building a web-app which can handle 10 million+ hits a day is restricted to exactly ONE and thats was almost entirely done using procedural programming. So none of the above might be true….

I will format all your hard drives

Computer Teacher: What is notepad?
Aasim: Notepad is a text editor
Computer Teacher: No, notepad is a software for creating text files and simple documents! Now tell me how do you start notepad?
Aasim: By clicking the shortcut on the desktop.
Computer Teacher: Is this what has been taught to you?

Cut to after few more transactions of the above type

Aasim: I will format all your hard drives!!!

Thankfully only a few teachers in his school are like that – His class teacher gave Swati the best compliment a mother can expect to hear “We have enough hunks and punks in the class but your son is a charmer!”

Nakedness is in the eye of the beholder

The mask

“I hope you don’t think I’d ever do anything like that, I mean, just step out of the drier, if anyone were seeing me. It was just viewing.”

“Same thing, isn’t it?” asked Baley.

“Not at all the same thing. You’re viewing me right now. You can’t touch me, can you, or smell me, or anything like that. You could if you were seeing me. Right now, I’m two hundred miles away from you at least. So how can it be the same thing?”

Baley grew interested. “But I see you with my eyes.”

“No, you don’t see me. You see my image. You’re viewing me.”

“And that makes a difference?”

“All the difference there is.”

For many of you the above passage would be familiar, it is from the novel “The Naked Sun” by Issac Asimov where the hero has just initiated a Sci-Fi equivalent of a web-cam messaging with a beautiful murder suspect.

Are these ethics still science fiction?


Repeat after me “Favor composition over inheritance.”

Click Here!

Aasim was given an exercise in creative writing at school.

The topic was “My School”, he wrote the best he could but the coup de main was somewhere near the last – It read – “To see a map Click Here” :-O

Eye of the Tiger!

Tiger tiger burning bright

I had always wanted to take a picture which literally represented a favourite song from my early college days…

Eye of the Tiger by Survivor.

The photograph has not turned out 100% as I would have wanted it to be… I would have liked a wee bit more depth so that the details in the iris were more visible, however this will do for now

Alcazar Cabaret at Pattaya, Thailand

At first glance you may not know that the picture is any different from what you think it to be… but do read on!

The Alcazar Cabaret of Pattaya, Thailand is one of the major tourist attractions, whenever we returned from Pattaya we were questioned “Did you see the show?”. So this time we took time out to watch the 75 min sound and light extravaganza!

Started by the Phettrakul Family more than 20 years ago Alcazar Cabaret, which is located on Pattaya 2nd Road, originally, was a small theatre of 350 seats with 40 employees. It is said that the show was not well received in the early days however the owners persevered and today Alcazar features a theatre with a capacity of 1,200 seats & 440 employees. The theatre is equipped with state of art light & sound system featuring the ultra high tech “Circle surround sound DTS system” & the most modern computer technology. Today, the Alcazar Cabaret is World Class!.

This show stands apart in one more aspect all the beautiful dancers are transvestites or were men!

Indeed Swati’s remark at the end was true in more than one sense – this was so much like our Bollywood :))

Well judge for yourself – see the album with 47 pictures.

Back from Oblivion!

Must put this in words before it gets lost in drudgery of daily routine.

Returned yesterday from Pattaya – it was a business trip which we combined with a mini vacation but again thats not the point…

We could not take Aasim along right from the beginning so he managed to fly across on his own managing a flight change and a near complete night without sleep admirably well. So from Sunday to Wednesday it was lots and lots of fun, have a couple of hundred pictures but those will have to wait!