Been grappling with some fine lines of discrimination lately – no this has nothing to do with the picture! More on the picture later. It is about the small but significant differentiations between some very similar looking birds for example the difference between Oriental Skylark and Syke’s Crested Lark. Hint: Look at the crest and beak. This confusion is at its prime when it comes to warblers – almost half of them look like the other half of them 😉
With ornithology getting big in our daily routine – this is one thing which I have to master as best as possible. Another exciting thing on this front is that we have been able to garner substantial support from bird watchers of the city and have in hand a lot of data – hope to put it to good use very soon, the data contains some almost unbelievable reports but with our own sighting of European Roller and Cinnamon Bittern I am inclined to believe anything….
Coming to picture adjacent the aim was to produce just the outline of the body using only a single light – this was successfully achieved by placing the light at 10 O’clock position in both planes. The fair skin of the model helped a lot in this case.