I am not too great a fan of Minimalism when it is applied to painting or philosophy or for that matter most of photography, however when it comes to erotic photography I very much prefer pictures which develop not through stark visual narrative but through visual suggestion. Pictures in which the viewers inscribe their own story in the fertile grounds of their mind’s eye.
True to my own tastes there are several of my photographs where I strive to create a mood, prompt certain themes and concepts in the mind of the viewer by showing less, by association of ideas, by dabbling in erotic ambiguities rather than through a complete picture. In these pictures, because I am operating in the realms of open-imagination I can insinuate the inexplicable or the unmentionable taboos and still get away with it 😉
Judging from the number responses that I get I can safely presume that this kind of photographic art is widely appreciated and from the content of those responses that I have achieved a fair degree of success in taking these pictures.
Yes, there have been detractors who have accused me of pornography or something as opposite and inane as the “pictures do not show enough”! For them all I can say is – Surf on please…