I am sure everyone has read all about LB/2003 and how wonderful it was here, here, here, here, here and here so nothing more to write about it except my own personal teeny weeny ego trips and treasured moments which I gleaned form the conference.
The most elating moment was when just before the first PHP talk by Rasmus rushed in and announced that the event had been slashdotted and I got to announce it to the near full 750 seater hall…
Talking to Rasmus over dinner at Atul’s place about writing extensions to PHP was most encouraging and enlightening, considering that I don’t know C or C++ hopefully I will have my name in credits of one of the PHP extensions soon.
Then there was this extremely hilarious incident about unzipped pants (not mine 😉
The trip would have been perfect had Aasim not suffered that food poisoning which kept him down for nearly all days… BUT then he took that very bravely as well…
So whatever some of the critics might say the event was a great success for me
Yes there are pictures about 440MB worth of them, will take some time before they are resized and put up…