
Pointers – I vaguely remember my CSc friends saying that Pointers in C were a pain, today I finally got to reading about them (really) am still wondering why, I presume ignorance on my part and expect one of the pointers to stab me in the back when I am not looking… But once again the architecture of PHP and Zend makes life easier

Been reading the source of the PHP’s EXIF extension. Could comprehend about 30% of the unfamiliar parts.

  • What is PHP EXIF? Tried googling, but didn’t find anything useful! 🙁

    • My fault it should read PHP’s EXIF extension, but googling on PHP + EXIF does turn up enough clues 🙂

  • And, I can tell you that pointers are very, very easy to understand and use. Yet, they’re not worth the “pain” 🙂 in most cases.

    • Well atleast in some cases it is required that I have pointers…

    • Wrong!

      You won’t have an OS without pointers!

      • Re: Wrong!

        Did I say “most cases”?

  • I love pointers.