Pediatrician and a Forensic Expert. A passionate PHP geek. Currently CTO, SANIsoft. Also a photographer, bird watcher, nature lover and a FOSS enthusiast.
Yesterday I installed WP Word Count plugin and was surprised at the results
A part of Plugin output
Wow! Have I really written so much, and most of it non consequential? Doing some rough maths, one printed novel page has about 250 words which makes the count to 800 pages…. Now only if they were worth something 😉
For past couple of months I have been undergoing a writing crisis of sorts. Reviving this journal was a part of the plan to over come the writers block. The plan did work for a while and then I slipped up again. I don’t really know if the thing I call a ‘block’ is real or just part laziness and part twitter effect, but I would like to put the blame squarely on twitter because I do manage to write about 3000 words during the week in tweets. However I still struggle to come up with a decent blog post about anything. As I tweeted Twitter killed the blogging star! but thanks to twitter I came across! Continue reading – Stream your consciousness