You are not beautiful

Nupur - you are and always will be!!!
Nupur - you are and always will be!!!

“You are not beautiful” These harsh words have to be endured by almost every girl/woman at some or the time of her life – unfortunately it is the chauvinistic setup of the society we live in. However it is not just male chauvinism which is at play here but something which angers me much more, though this is in no way tolerance or acceptance of MCP behaviour by men.
Continue reading You are not beautiful

A face for the unnamed… …

Sangita De
Sangita - always a friend!

Sangita! If there was anyone in my life I place after my mother it would be her. Even though she is just a year older to me she always held that place of a woman I could go to for comfort. I have known her since I was fifteen. We grew up together, kept in touch for a long long time but as fate would have it, life took somewhat divergent paths about ten years ago.
Continue reading A face for the unnamed… …

There are no limits

Aasim read Jonathan Livingston Seagull for the first time. Title of the post is what he had to say when he finished!

Most often it is after you have won the war you realise that the battle has just begun.

Are you sad as well?

“Modern day Americans are often trapped in lousy, disappointing, soul crushing careers. If they are not divorced already, their marriages are on the rocks. They live far outside of their means, rack up thousands of dollars of debt, and then they work overtime to pay for the toys they never have time to play with. They dedicate their lives to pleasing ungrateful children who won’t amount to much more than they did. Hours of their downtime is spent in front of the television, switching from reality show to reality show, because it is easier to watch other people live life than it is to live their own. In a rare moment of creativity, they might write a secret out on a postcard and send it to a website because they don’t have a single person in real life that they trust enough to share their fears with. They feel all of this on top of the usual human maladies of sickness, death and grief.”


How long before this is true about us Indians? or are we already there?

Comments, reflections, denials and proving me wrong most welcome…

There are times…

There are times when you need not feel bad – but you still do.
when you regret making the right choice
when you feel envious even when there is nothing to
when you are at the right place at the wrong time
when you are satisfied but yet not happy
when you should go to roots but reach for top
when you should introspect but you… whatever is the antonym for introspect
when things are clear but you are still confused.
when you have money but still feel poor

— Need to re-check your premises

Random Rules

17 Pithy Insights for Startup Employees:

If you’re not having fun, you’re in the wrong place.

Random Rules

Be who you are.  Do what you love.  Employ people you like.