Yesterday afternoon finally gave us time to open the DVD which had been lying for some time now and watch the movie Parineeta. Watching the movie flashed my thoughts back to a time, many, many years ago, when my mind was in a totally warped and f*cked up state. A time just after we had done our Hang gliding course… two incidences played themselves vividly in my mind.
The first one was when I took this picture of her to send to prospective grooms at a friend’s farm house – she looks so gloriously flushed and beautiful because we had just just made passionate love… and the other was from Alibag where as a part of our afterplay conversation we were discussing my engagement with some fatso in about 15 days time!!!
I reached out to touch her hand and began “What if I….?” I did not need to finish the sentence – she, without moving her eyes from the screen, said “Failure was not an acceptable outcome for me!”
Today, I dare not and need not contemplate – what if she had failed!!
After the movie, we spent the rest of the evening sipping mouth numbingly chilled Pink Champagne while munching “Sev Murmura Bhel”