Common Leopard (Phalanta phalantha)

Common Leopard (Phalanta phalantha)
Common Leopard (Phalanta phalantha)

The Common Leopard Phalanta phalantha is a sun-loving butterfly of the Nymphalid or Brush-footed Butterfly family.

Aankhon mein teri… …

Aankhon mein teri... ...
Aankhon mein teri... ...

In many ways this portrait is a remake of an old one of Swati which I had taken nearly 7 years ago. Read strobist info

Why is it known as a blue?

Plains cupid (Chilades pandava) - Underside
Plains cupid - a blue butterfly?

One of the first question that the beginners of butterfly watching ask is “Why are the ‘The Blues’ group of butterflies called as such?” Continue reading to find out why?

Common Lime Butterfly (Papilio demoleus)

Papilio demoleus
Papilio demoleus - the most common of the swallowtails

Taking this picture day before yesterday was a gentle reminder for me that one need not always have exotic subjects to create good looking photographs

Read some info on Lime Butterfly

Using hair light – A mini HowTo

Sanchita - would be boring without the hair light

If you have just started studio photography and find that in most of the  portraits you take the heads of your models appear to be stuck on to the background or worse you can’t see the differentiation between the model and your backdrop the chances are – you are missing the hair light! Continue reading Using hair light – A mini HowTo

Jonathan Livingston Tern

Jonathan Livingston Tern
Little Tern - Sterna albifrons

When sometime during the early teens I had first picked the up the book “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” I remember having done so because of the very lovely photos of the Seagulls. Of Course! after having read the book it came to mean much more but there did remain one wish for a long long time. Continue reading Jonathan Livingston Tern

Steel Magnolias

Steel Magnolias - Sangita and Swati
Steel Magnolias - Sangita and Swati

She’s a lover, she’s a mother
She’s a friend and she’s a wife
And she’s a sparrow when she’s broken
But she’s an eagle when she flies

Continue reading Steel Magnolias

I saw the total solar eclipse!

Total Solar Eclipse - Diamond Ring
Total Solar Eclipse - Diamond Ring

“Class 8th D, 10th boy from the front – come up” Boomed the stern voice of the PT teacher. Someone shook the appropriate boy from conversation he was engrossed in. He climbed up to the first floor podium, tachaak, tachaak!! Two slaps delivered, he was told to stand aside and listen to what was being spoken about the solar eclipse in the school assembly.

That boy was me and I did not give a damn! I was still ecstatic… Continue reading I saw the total solar eclipse!

Single light portraits – A mini HowTo

Nivedita - Single light setups

As a beginner in studio photography I wallowed in self pity of the fact that I had only one light and portraits needed was at least three and I could not afford any. Then I was gently reminded of the working motto of SANIsoft. “Argue for your limitations and sure enough they are yours”*

I started experimenting and sure enough I found that a single light could give very dramatic results. Continue reading Single light portraits – A mini HowTo

Hard Ground Barasingha

Hard Ground Barasingha at Kanha
Barasingha at Kanha

Hard Ground Barasingha Cervus duvaceli branderi. Because of its adaptation to hard ground habitat is regarded as a distinct sub species. Continue reading Hard Ground Barasingha