Photographing birds in flight – A mini HowTo

Indian eagle owl - Adult in flight
Indian eagle owl - Adult in flight

Capturing birds in flight is a vexing subject for many newbie bird photographers. Well instead of just randomly trying to get a shot if you think and plan consciously the subject is not at all difficult to master and the results are indeed very satisfying. Am writing down here a few points which can get you started in the right direction – these are by no means the only things you must do, just somethings which have worked out right for me Continue reading for the tips and several example pictures

Photographing Butterflies – A mini HowTo

Dark Blue Tiger [Explored]
Dark Blue Tiger (Tirumala septentrionis)
When my above butterfly picture made it to Flickr explore, making the count of my butterflies in explore to five I got a couple of request for writing a HowTo about capturing good butterfly pictures. I am not claiming to be an expert in butterflies nor do I assume that I have taken exceptional pictures but after having taken a second look at the pictures I posted to Flickr I realized that a few things were common to most of the pictures. This is more of a list to tips and tricks than a complete HowTo

Continue reading, more photographs inside

Using hair light – A mini HowTo

Sanchita - would be boring without the hair light

If you have just started studio photography and find that in most of the  portraits you take the heads of your models appear to be stuck on to the background or worse you can’t see the differentiation between the model and your backdrop the chances are – you are missing the hair light! Continue reading Using hair light – A mini HowTo

Single light portraits – A mini HowTo

Nivedita - Single light setups

As a beginner in studio photography I wallowed in self pity of the fact that I had only one light and portraits needed was at least three and I could not afford any. Then I was gently reminded of the working motto of SANIsoft. “Argue for your limitations and sure enough they are yours”*

I started experimenting and sure enough I found that a single light could give very dramatic results. Continue reading Single light portraits – A mini HowTo