I must be getting old …

I must be getting old way too old for my own good – a while back I wanted to type PMS and I typed PHP, an hour earlier I stood in front of the Microwave a good 15 seconds before I could recall the correct sequence on the keypad, Microwave thing has happened once before as well. I cannot decide if it is funny or scary!!

Naah!! must be the heat

Hobbies … …

A bit of free time in the afternoon had me wondering about my hobbies. The best I had – I turned into my profession, so that leaves me with what? Reading – not too much of creativity involved. Stamps – I have not touched in past 10 years and anyways who writes letters now. Sketching

Memories of her!!

Memories of her!!

I found this picture of her yesterday taken by me almost 13 years ago at a friend’s farmhouse. She was 21 I was 22 …. The most hilarious part is that these pics were taken to show to the prospective grooms which her parents were searching. We were great friends (well already more than friends

A cool day!

Nagpur was yesterday lashed by rains and hailstorm (yes hailstorm!!). This resulted in considerable lowering of temperature. Yesterday evening we went out for dinner with Shishir Totre (Swati’s school time friend) his wife and another couple, invited by Shishir, to Dwarka an open air restaurant. The food was nice BUT more importantly Aasim thoroughly enjoyed

Finally found some time to get a hair cut and thankfully the barber did not insist that “Sahab, aur mut katao accha nahi dikhega” (if your Hindi is really poor – Sir, don’t get it shortened further wont look good) So now have hair which do not need combing and can feel the air tickling

Me? A job? Naaah!!

Yesterday found me refusing the 3rd job in just as many weeks. I wonder why people are feeling that I am ready to take up a job? I wont be able to work under anyone any ways – This was one of the prime reason for starting SANIsoft, I can only work for myself and

Now even the bedroom has been handed over to the painters 🙁 I am sitting in the Lab yawning … …

Achievable goals OR aiming low

Restricted my self to bed because of fever and a very bad sore throat. Apart from completing Ringworld by Larry Niven (I am not reading the other 2) I was thinking that all I needed to fulfill my current dreams was just $5000, mind you I have a lot of dreams but the most of

is one resourceful woman 😉 She in a stroke solved the manpower problem which I anticipated yesterday BUT that does not mean I have dozens of PHP programmers at my disposal. I get to select from a batch of 20-25 which 6 to take for the 3 week course, then 2 get selected for 4

Lousy day!! Ungrateful creatures, Petty politics!!! Don’t want to talk about it (as yet) :-/