Elephants and short-tailed shrews get by on only two hours of sleep a day

Aasim now sleeps in his own room! This was aided by the allure of sleeping on a bunk bed which he got as Christmas + New Years gift.

Though for a couple of days we were apprehensive that he might fall BUT it just proved to be a typical parents anxiety 🙂

I have put some pictures of Aasim’s room here

The Gila monster spends about 96 percent of its life underground.

It was with some amount of anticipation that I clicked the link to “What should I do with my Life” in ‘s journal. Though nothing against the author or the content of the article I was quite disappointed. This is a great article for someone in their late teens or early tweens or someone currently

French toast isn’t French. It comes from a Roman cookbook, dating back to 1000 or 2000 B.C. titled Apicius on Cooking.

Finally managed to steal a date with my wife to the new Barista which has recently opened. Sadly we did not have more than an hour at our disposal. Among other things there has been a renewed interest in the “Flirting and Dating mini-HOW-TO” thanks to a recent post by . BTW thanks for posting

No matter when a race horse is born, they all “become” a year older on New Year’s Day

Contrary to the premonitions of my wife it was a good day to start the year. The first mail in the morning was an SRD from a prospective client whom Swati had been following for some time. It is the second consecutive year when we have had a new project on 1st of Jan. Last

Only 2 animals can see completely behind themselves without turning their heads: the rabbit and the parrot.

Last day of the year… … I guess I can just go back and look at all the LJ entries that I have made and I will know what all good I have done in the past year 🙂 BUT what can I remember as exceptional? Personally… … not much but lot of what I

The two hemispheres of a dolphin’s brain can work independently.

It was a pretty restless weekend – restless as in not being allowed to rest or relax. But I did manage to get some work done 🙂 Among the better things that happened over the week end was that finally the Spell checker in Mozilla worked for me download it from https://spellchecker.mozdev.org if you don’t

A large hemispherical cultured pearl is referred to as a mabe.

PHP 4.3 has been released and with it comes one more reason for people like me for not using Perl 😉 The CLI now is a different distinct SAPI, though I have used PHP for shell scripting often things like $ some_application | some_filter | php | sort -u >final_output.txt had many limitations.

The truest mark of a man’s wisdom is his ability to listen to other men expound their wisdom.

Had a bad headache throughout the day, looks like I am going to get Aasim’s cold. Thankfully the headache has abated in the past hour Found a rather interesting LJ community today https://www.livejournal.com/users/lj_nifty If you like to spice up your LJ with little something extra do take a look [update] Just hacked a custom style

In ancient Egypt, onions were an object of worship, its circle-within-a-circle structure symbolized eternal life.

Had looked at my own user info and noticed my friends circle, 28 people list me as their friend out of which I have reciprocated to only 12 people. What does that make me? an introvert OR popular 😉 Honestly for me it means none of the above because I just surf over to most