Tomorrow morning we leave for Bangkok and then to Pattaya – yep the same old client from two years ago, hope he still has his Ferrari around
Second by .02 points!
Damn – I missed the first spot in Skin2(NWS) contest at Worth 1000 by a .02 point margin, but I did manage the second as well as the third spot and what the heck I don’t get the cups anyways as I had not paid for the entry nor did anyone sponsor me. Oh! the
VC funded projects are like shooting stars, spectacular! but most burn up before making an impact.
It is amazing what you can learn if you know how to read Apache logs. Like I know precisely who has has been googleing with phrases like sanisoft+bad+php and landed at my site, came here to Live Journal and what all was read, hilarious? amateurish? unprofessional?
(18:43:38) Tarique: Got the daily reports from me? (18:43:42) Swati: Looking (18:43:46) Tarique: 24 hours (18:43:57) Tarique: and mail for Gilad (18:44:01) Swati: Yes got all of them (18:44:05) Tarique: kewl (18:44:13) Tarique: I am going home now (18:44:24) Swati: 🙁 I have to still be in the office (18:44:38) Tarique: OK will come to
Words and meanings
If Sexcess was a word what would it mean?
Aasim is cross with his barber! Why? The barber did not cut his hair as short as he wanted! How short did Aasim want it to be? 😮 A true 0.5 cm mushroom cut!! Mushroom cut!! but why?? So that he could walk up to his PT teacher and point out that he has had
Pearls and Casting
It is really a pain when people assume technical superiority just because they are from a “Developed Country” and a double pain when they think that Alpha version of softwares means the best version there is! So is this the time for surfacing for air kind of post? I don’t think I have been underground
You are old when…
Me: When everything and anything you say is taken seriously Swati: When you are a man and above 40 Aasim: When you are in Std 1st You: ?
What do you tell a child of 6 who has just realized that there will be times when he has to face “biases” from his teachers…..