Creating a second line of command!

A few (well only 2) people asked as to how I managed to create a second line of command in such a short span. Umm… I have not really documented the process and there is no magic formula which will work… besides I am an awful manager. I am sure a lot of management gurus out there must have got this honed down to a fine art but none the less here is what we did.

Some background first – None of my current project managers knew PHP when they came to SANIsoft which was a good thing because I got to teach them PHP exactly the way I wrote it – complete with all my finesse, flaws and work flow quirks. So in many ways, in the end, they were my coder clones – that made my job easier – I knew how they worked.

One fine day I just switched the daily reporting method. The top three (based on experience) now got daily reports from three newbie/trainee/junior programmers each. These reports were summarized and then sent to me. Over the next few days they learnt that what was written had to be verified and not taken on face value, I nudged them into realising that if they kept tabs on what was happening throughout the day instead of trying to gather things at the end of the day it would be simpler for them.

What took me by surprise was they had to told to be more forgiving towards mistakes of the juniors and the difference between what was good enough and perfect and when to opt for either (roughly views, controllers – good enough. models – perfect). Then came judging – who could be trusted with what level of code… this last part is still on going and perhaps will go on forever – I need to evolve this into a kind of employee gradation process.

Since all of the above was happening on live projects – I had to, for some time, work bit more with minding the minded and the minders ensuring that the clients did not suffer in anyway. In the end it has been a hugely successful exercises for everyone involved.

Well thats about it.

Rendered redundant

Rendered redundant

Redundant – adj 1: more than needed, desired, or required; Am once again looking at ways to make myself redundant at SANIsoft. About 18 months ago we realised a need to have a second line of command in the programming team, the work was just too much for me to keep up with first hand

You think that there is nothing but PHP on the web – questions M$

Found this and had to blog it. If you do not understand the french (no pun intended) take a look at the notes on this Flickr entry Now am waiting for the spoofs to pop-up!!

Do me and I’ll do you

Would like to see if this really works Leave a link in the comments if you want me to do the same for you, of course you can be totally anonimouse and screw the results but be a sport and let the system work 😉

V – day!?

Guess we are married for too long, I remembered only when the bank called Swati and told that the client’s payment has come in… been playing around with the Yahoo! UI Library it is pretty cool but I do not think that we are going to drop what we already use, the Y! library is

A conversation and some more

A conversation and some more

Swati: Who are giving Valentine gifts to? Aasim: No one! Swati: Why? Aasim: S******i has gone mad…. she was always mad now she has gone worse Swati: So why not An****a? Aasim: sigh… Me: She is just too good… better than him Swati: Is that true? Aasim nods in assent Swati: Then it is great,



The week went by in trying to get things done and the Sunday went by trying not to do anything! For a moment I could almost understand the rapture or rather psychology of pleasure-pain nexus…. the week however was a fruitful one and Swati did manage to get things done (doesn’t she always ), so

Untitled I

Untitled I

Suddenly it is cold! week before last it was as if we are going to have an early summer and now the temperature has dipped ushering an extended winter – I love winters in Nagpur specially sitting in the warm sun on Sunday afternoons. It has been a very hectic past few days with Swati

OK! we are not a Sweat Shop

OK! we are not a Sweat Shop

Got some flack for calling SANIsoft a sweat shop… Two of my biggest clients pointed out that calling SANIsoft a sweat shop would not please their investors (heh! I did not know that you people read my personal journal) They went on to point that you cannot call a SME which creates PHP apps optimised

Failure of your business model is not my problem

“Failure of your business model is not my problem” It is sad to tell a client this but that however does not mean that I do not understand business or business process, The following in no particular order are my few common sense guidelines I am outright wary of clients who wants my opinion on