Finally found some time to update one of my old articles “Working with Concurrent Versions System” and upload it. With the sad demise of quality on PCQ and the shambles their site is in I might as well start publishing my articles at my own site…

I have a good system in place with options for notes and comments, will be putting it on-line along with the new design of SANIsoft site.

This time it looks that is not going to go back to windoze. She already has enough custom settings on her desktop to make it cumbersome for me to use.

Tough luck billy 😀

Childhood’s End

Just finished reading “Childhood’s End” by Arthur C Clarke, Once again a fantastic but eerily plausible scenario, Just as is characteristic of most ACC’s stories this one should also be read for the social picture it paints.

Earth is suddenly descended upon by an alien race much more powerful than humans and benevolent – their demands are simple end war and injustice…

Physically these aliens are in the shape of what we associate as the devil… …

The entire novella was available on some bookz site I can’t seem to remember the URL, yes of course I do have an electronic version still 😉

[UPDATE] it is all there and some more – ENJOY!

Not a Maniac Monday…

No it is not a maniac Monday at all – Mondays as it is are dull because the clients half a world away are still on a weekend.

Nothing much happens ….

There were a few bug fixes which I had anticipated will take the better part of the day but they have been fixed and uploaded.

Getting bored, Swati and Aasim are not here, am playing with GIMP after ages… ….

May be will post the results here. In other things I am reading a novella by Aurthur C Clarke, have got two book form the Star Wars Bounty hunter series lined up. Boba Fett is the central character in these books.

Plucker on Linux Sux!!

I know why achitnis was so against Plucker, While the Windows version works great
the Linux version really really sucks… Why?
1) No automatic menu creations – that is not so bad
2) It fails to get despite everything (yes the same works perfectly under Windows)
3) The code from CVS check -out does not compile

might ask why Plucker and not Avantgo – well I want to get Freshmeat Today
page which is too large for Avantgo secondly Plucker has one feature which
I need very much and that is in Plucker when I click a URL which is not on
my Palm it shows the URL and offers it to copy it to a memo. This is great
for Freshmeat where I can copy URLs for releases which I want to see….

P.S. Live Lizard also sux


Process Too Complicated To Explain – a phrase I recalled when I left a comment for iceprincess about Salman Rushdie. This is from his book “Haroun and the sea of stories”

P2C2E is what I would say to the friend who commented – “I thought you used Linux always, then why these recent entries?”

Having said that I would like to explain!!

I have used Linux at work since a long time now. Swati who uses a computer basically as a desktop workstation used Windows despite having tried N times to shift … ….

The computer at home was also basically a Windows machine because of Aasim and things like my Digi Camera would not work with Linux. Finally last weekend I converted the machines to be dual booting. Since I use the Digi Cam and Palm form home I never bothered trying to make them work under Linux before this.

Ironically, from next week at least for some time I will again be working on a Windows machine – This client has got a config of Windows + IIS + M$SQL + PHP on his server we are now savvy enough not to refuse business just because the client uses windows …. …..

JPilot with USB support on RH7.2

In the afternoon it appeared that it will not work at all – everywhere (eg: it said that atleast kernel version 2.4.17 was needed. Trying to upgrade the kernel was a mistake !!

Thankfully I was able to revert back to the original kernel without much harm being done. The second mistake was trying to install using the RPMs I had created for Jpilot and Pilot-link.

So I compiled Pilot-Link 0.10.99 and Jpilot 0.9.2 the regular ./configure, make, make install way. It still wouldn’t work 🙁

Actually when it did work it was by fluke when I pressed the HotSync button before I did

dlpsh -p /dev/ttyUSB1

instead of what I had been doing all along – pressing HotSync after giving the command in the term

From there making Jpilot work was no big deal…

My Casio 8000SX on Linux

Was pleasantly surprised that all I needed was to add the line
/dev/sda1 /mnt/camera vfat ro,noauto,user 0 0
to my fstab and viola I had my Casio 8000SX talking to Linux!!

Tommorow I will create an RPM for JPilot with USB support

Being Unfashionable

I have noticed that of late it is fashionable to be unhappy!!

I am not at all sorry to say “in that case I am rather unfashionable”. What is more distressing is that these fashionable friends of mine view me at best with suspicion and at worst with deridement.

Heck but the very nature of happiness deems that I don’t care much – only that these people in happier times were so much more fun.