Love is … …

Waking up late
Two movies
Brunch of Idlis
And the day is not yet over ….
A hearty dinner of low fat tandoori chicken

Was a peaceful week as compared to last one. nothing much happened except for amusing things from Aasim. Like he was asking how to get a new set of parents (in response to Swati’s jest of getting a new child)

Yesterday he made Swati call up one of his classmates, Nupur, and ask if she was free and then made her take him to her house… …

Nupur’s mother told that Aasim bashed up someone who was troubling Nupur in class. Aasim’s version was that he did not do it but ask two of his other friends to do it… …

He He He !!


One year… …

Exactly one year since I had my first (and only) angina attack. It was so sudden that Swati refused to take me seriously till after the episode passed.

Thankfully God have been kind and I dont have any detectable cardiac damage and my exercise tolerence has greatly improved. I am also off medications since past 6 months. As a doctor I can opine that in all probability I will remain symptom free for rest of my life, provided I continue with the altered lifestyle.

Oh yes! one year since WTC evaporated, everyone will be writing about it so I will skip it.

Dreams Yahoooo!

” It is time that David Filo and his band of visionaries come out of their board rooms and have a look at this mess, and roll up their sleeves, and fix this broken, whimpering mess that calls itself “Yahoo”.”


No I don’t want to contemplate on the technical aspects of Atul’s writing BUT more on the human aspects.

Would like to know how David Filo really feels about it? Most likely he will say the problems will sort themselves out, BUT in my humble opinion he is feeling the same pangs as so many developers who have sold their creations feel being mute witness to the endless hours of their work being mutilated, raped and most of the times ultimately destroyed.

I personally know at least two such guys who in a single stroke, to quote “earned more money than they would have in a life time” BUT now, to quote again “regretted having sold their dreams”

Notice how almost none of the original developers stick around in the company they sold their product to….

One could argue endlessly about practicality Vs Ideology Vs ambition – whatever the out come the bottom line is you always end up losing when you sell your dreams

Our walk trail has now dried out! So walking is more fun, and you can walk faster on grass than on road.

Among other thing had discovered this on /. last week

Of course I want one and I want an alternate OS for it as well 🙂

Another Sunday gone

Another week and a Sunday gone – this time I noticed every day of the week go by. The days were particularly stressful due to a variety of reasons but by Saturday we realised that we cannot go on like this if we are to survive. I am going to do my best – which is, to say the least, better than most people and then take a day at a time.

On the work front things continue to be just the same! Clients, designers and programmers never behave as expected and by now I have learnt to anticipate that 🙂

Hey it is Sunday already!

Wow! the week really sped past. This new project is also on its way now, but the designers continue to be the weakest link. We are outsourcing the designs from Mumbai for this one.

The problem with web apps is that you show client a good design and he will be happy and not care for the crappy programming BUT show him a plain vanilla page and excellent programming he will reject your work saying you have not done anything, On second thoughts I think this is true for any app / OS M$ being the prime example 😀

Last evening spent some time with Anna and soon started to tweak the AIML with some hilarious results

There are times when you need not feel bad BUT you still do!
There are times when you need not be blamed BUT you still are!
There are times when you are not guilty BUT you feel you are!

These are the times when your thought process is really screwed up – step back – take a third party view of the situation.

Stepping back now … …

Phew!! A load off my head

Database normalized, specs finalized, design approved…

I can hopefully go back to doing mostly nothing, the boys will carry on from here with me watching over their backs.

The day also did have me pondering over the issue of XML-RPC Vs SOAP, have settled for XML-RPC because of the simplicity and I can always convert the requests/responses to SOAP compliant using XSLT at a later date.

Learned a few tricks in optimizing MySQL deamon and variables. I am going to need every bit if I am to run all 500 sites off a single database.

Clear blue sky after almost ten days – feels nice to see everything washed now drying out

Aasim is running around with a space ship in his hand singing “Row Row Row your boat”
