Stressed out Saturday!

A very tense and hectic day in BUT all worth it in the end. The first phase has been successfully deployed and tested on the remote server. I will do the final testing on Monday – but from the looks of it things are fine.

I don’t know if Aasim heard this one OR just wondered himself

Aasim: Mama Gandhiji ke pass bahut paise the kya?
Swati: No beta, but why do you ask?
Aasim: Then why is his picture there on every note… …

Murphy’s law of web applications

Given two identical servers your web application will fail to run on the remote one.
Corollary:Identical web servers are not identical

Warm Wednesday … … Things are on schedule – got the server much to my relief. Among other things I updated my smirnoff ads collection thanks to vaibhav for the links – now there are 24 ads in the album. Also I know that there are several more – will hunt for them

A peaceful Monday… …

Spent some more time refining the technique of creating pencil drawing from photographs using GIMP. The results were much better results than yesterday – now pencil strokes can be seen in smaller images as well.

This works best for landscapes and figures with less tonal range – also soft focus pictures are no good

Renounce the world, say sages.

But such words of wisdom
are only tired cliches.

For who can forsake
such luscious hips
grabbed tight by a girdle
of flashing rubies?

By Bharthari

Spent the past two hours with GIMP and a photograph and this is the result. Turned out to be easier in the end BUT very different from the approach I was taking initially, that is why it took 2 hours 😉

Initially I had thought that I would write a HOW-TO but it turned out so simple that it is not worth the trouble ….

Tried to replicate the same using Adobe Photoshop 6 – needless to say could not figureout how to …. ….

Writing EXIF tags

While there is loads of software for reading EXIF data from jpeg I could hardly find anything which allowed me to write EXIF data into jpeg. I was searching for something with CLI on Linux. PHP has neat function exif_read_data and exif_thumbnail, but exif_write_data function is missing – time to look into the EXIF specs… …

I found jhead at and it is the next best thing to having nothing at all.

Oh! for the uninitiated – EXIF stands for Exchangeable Image File Format, and is a standard for storing interchange information in image files, especially those using JPEG compression. Most digital cameras now use the EXIF format.

36 Today

36 today!!!

Most people mark milestones of age in decades at 20,30,40 years of age

But I would rather prefer doing it 16,26,36 years may be even add 6 to the list. The reason I prefer this is 6 years is when you start remembering things for life, at 16 you are physically old enough to start thinking in an adult oriented manner, then on 10 years seems a reasonable time span.

16 Years: With barely 9 months past moms death, 16th birthday was a mix of emotions, I was no longer a child but definitely not old enough to be thrust upon the responsibility of looking after dad (who was absolutely heartbroken after mom) and then carving out an identity for myself, defining the set of ethics which will last me a lifetime, trying to find a soulmate!!!

The late teens were full turmoil, pain and realization that whatever happens the sky never falls on your head.

26 Years: The 26th birthday was spent with Swati in Hotel Sheraton Sea Rock, Mumbai. I had already proposed marriage to her and she had agreed BUT it was on this very day that we made concrete plans as to how we were going to about it. The day was spent luxuriating in each others company. I took some photos of Swati one of which has been on our bedroom wall right since day 1 of our marriage. The evening dinner was a sampling of the fabulous Dum Pukth cuisine served there.

Getting married took almost 2 years, by that time I knew my potential, both of us were earning huge amounts by norms of the day, but 2 years into the marriage life was in a rut and a rat race. God listened (he always does whenever the situation is desperate – thanks God) and we were conferred with Parenthood, Aasim was born 5th Nov 97. Parenthood changed our perspective, we wanted out of the race. SANIsoft was conceptualized and conceived in Jan 98, since then we have not looked back and certainly never had a dull day – there is always something to worry or celebrate every day!!! Most of my dreams have come true.

36 Years: Aasim, our precious son, gave me a gift, a gift which he for the first time choose himself with full understanding of the act. It is a ground glass show piece with three porpoises which he says represent our family swimming the seas (of the world), don’t know wether the boy is precocious or every child is this perceptive.

The next ten years I intend to grow up along with him … …

Bare truth

99% of naked *Indian* women I have seen look better when dressed.

LEGO Junkies

Check out these URLs if you have ever played with LEGO and loved it – The home page to make 3D LEGO models, building instructions, and great renderings on your computer for free – A CAD program which lets you create LEGO models, available in Linux as well as Windows version.

Me and Aasim had a great time – in under 5 min we could make a small rocket and a space scooter (Aasim’s terminology, don’t ask me 🙂

In other things Aasim had to go to school dressed as a traffic policeman … …