Wierd Dream – Swati’s

Hmm… ….

I dont know if this is a portent for things to come.

Swati dreamt that I was her elder brother and that she has been trying to convince me to get married.

Looks like it is going to be an amusing day

My elder brother is here with his family – the house is in a bedlam with the three kids freaking out and I am sitting in the office working with my two programmers.

Just ended a discussion as to which portions we are leaving to be completed when we are in-situ at Bangkok. Ironically we will have more working days there.

Thankfully Swati is taking care of all the thousands of other things which need attention leaving us to do just the coding part – Thanks love 🙂

Started with my French lessons (no pun)

We have less than 10 working days to finish a job which will take at least 15

Oh! well my boys are always up to a good challenge – some day I will write why … …

Surprise Surprise

I hate surprises at work!! Most of the times I already have done so much of preemptive thinking that whatever the surprise it is usually a nasty one 🙁

BUT today my programmers gave me one which I am thrilled about – both the boys who I am to take to Bangkok for the final phase of the project next month told me that they know French well enough to converse with ease.

This indeed gives us a firmer foothold for future projects with the same client. I have also found a person who will teach me French with exclusive lessons charted out for me. (not classroom)

To Anonymous Coward,

I am making you immortal by giving you a complete post as a reply – Normally I would be content with deleting your comment but today I have time so I will indulge you but don’t have delusions of being anything more than a dirty rat in my cat and mouse game.

You so very abusively ask – who am I trying to fool?

I don’t think I understand your question – because I am not sure what you imply I am fooling someone about?

1) My Bangkok trip
2) My Commercial success
3) My Visual indulgence there
4) OR as I most likely suspect my chastity – If it can be called that … …

The very fact that you posted your comment without your name shows that you yourself are on uncertain ground? I have already written the only person I wanted to believe me was my dear wife and she does so unquestioningly – she regrets not being there to enjoy the fun though.

So you either identify yourself or turn your own abuse into actions for yourself

All Sundays and holidays have been declared as working days at SANIsoft till further notice.

With Vinay giving his BSc exams there are hardly any days left and we have to be out on 6th November.

It is madness all over again BUT this time the stress is less because I have proved beyond doubt that we can deliver the goods.

I also have started going over the project code with a fine tooth comb – searching for potential bottlenecks

Back from Bangkok!

Ah! feels nice to be back home. I have written notes about each day which I
originally intended to to post as back dated entries but have now decided
to use LJ cut instead… …

The related pictures are here

On to the details of my thrills and spills 🙂

Leaving for Bangkok tonight – will be back on Sunday morning, this time am going alone so am going to be bored – technical meetings

Wishing myself luck – if this phase is liked then we get the next two phases of the project.

Am already dreading the wait at the airport – really suxs

Among other things Aasim for the first time tasted tea – mild lemon tea – liked it … … Swati not too pleased with me 😉

The answer to Sunday’s guess which is picture number 2 !!!!

Is this Home?

A recent article by set me wondering… …

361, Shankaranagar, Nagpur. I have lived here all my life, right from day one, I never left it for more than a week’s holiday… …

Is this Home?

The house where I live is older than me, I know each and every crack that have developed the wall, even the ones which were filled. I know the branches of all the trees around, I learnt to how to climb on them. I know all the 72 varieties of birds which can be seen in the garden sometime or the other

Is this Home?

When I take a walk with my son I still go past the school where I studied, still wish “good morning” to the teachers on their way (soon they will all retire). I show Aasim the classrooms where I studied… … The LAD college (more elaborately Lady Amritabai Daga College for Women) is still there 100 meters from my house, though the students now are mere kids 🙂

Is this Home?

Almost all my friends have left Nagpur, I never was a people’s person anyway BUT some of them return and meet me still and we recount our school and college days.

Is this Home?

We rarely meet relatives OR people around but I know in case of emergency I can summon up the best medical experts of the city and folks who will come and care…

My parents lived here, Swati’s parents are still here

There’s never been a communal riot in Nagpur (atleast post independence)

Is this Home?

Everything about Nagpur is laid back – more so its industry and business people they suck, they try to drag you down, There is no broadband net here … …

Is this Home?

You bet it is!!!

In the past, so many times we have debated moving out – then always comes the inevitable question – for what? the invariable answer is – for a better life?

Oh No! we are not going to fall for that – may be a bit more money BUT I will anyways never have enough to buy that Rs1.5core Ferrari, so that part is > /dev/null

May be a few more friends – friends did I say? Have I forgotten there is no place called as far away?

May be a better future for Aasim – No! he is growing up with Nature, his Grand parents and most importantly with a lot of time spent with *us*

Sunday revisited

Compared to what is there now, my efforts of last Sunday look ugly. Also the shades and strokes are now seen even in smaller images. Printing these images in grayscale on handmade paper gives good effect, but will have to see how much the ink spreads over time. Will try it on the photopaper as well.

There are 8 drawings and one of them is real hand drawn – Guess which?

Note: Contains nudity, you have been warned, I will in no way be liable for scandalising your mom, pop, sister, daughter, girlfriend or wife… ….