Aasim just woke up and discovered his gifts and shouted on top of his voice “Hey Santa got me gifts!!”

Within five mins the wrapper was off and he was playing with Swati, suddenly in the middle he stops and says – “I know Santa did not get this for me – you got it! Thank you”

The best Christmas gift we have ever got 🙂

Boredom can lead to madness in parrots. When caged by themselves and neglected for long periods of time, these intelligent, sociable birds can easily become mentally ill. Many inflict wounds upon themselves, develop strange tics, and rip out their feather

Saw the movie “Leela” last night – In my personal opinion a well made movie even though at times understated. Of Course it has Dimple Kapadia 🙂

After the movie we were discussing as to what should be an ideal course of action for a single mother who is 40 something living with her 18 something son with regards to her love affair with a new man!!

We concluded hiding it is the number 1 wrong thing she can do. The son should be taken into confidence the man should be introduced to the son and then let the things flow forward from there on. There is no way that the things will just fall into place but then the young man has the right to know… … and this way she has a better chance of things working out..

Until he’s about 21 years old, the male Indian elephant isn’t interested in romancing a female elephant.

“Buy me a Pizza!” Well this is one of the cutest pick up line for a guy that I have heard in ages.

Yeah! used right I am sure it will work. Someone willing to try it out for me?

BTW the line is from the movie “American Desi” which we just finished watching. The movie itself is not too great nor do I feel that it is even a near to reality depiction of Indians in America.

Maybe some of my recently departed :o) friends can confirm or deny my ass-umptions.

Have finished nearly half of my article titled “Outsourcing: A brief guide”

Our Open Source Business Model

Finally managed to publish a much wanted document on SANIsoft’s site – Our Open Source Business Model, Opinions on this have ranged from “this is not possible” to “this is not what it means” and I guess almost every individual reading it will have his own ideas about it

I intend it to serve a purpose and that it will adequately 🙂

Nothing changes But still does… …

“In a country that prides itself as being the world’s largest democracy, with a constitution deemed fair to all, why this amazingly blatant display of monopoly?”*

This was written almost 8 years ago about the Internet in India.

It applies to so many more spheres of Indian life!!

Nothing much has changed but then still has … ….

* From https://atulchitnis.net/view/atul/indianet/index.html

1) Pest control
2) Painting of exteriors
3) Perimeter fence
4) Servicing of the drainage system
5) Some windows and grills
6) 1 door
7) … ….

Swati is on to her second phase of renovation. No money left for the new PC I had intended to buy.

Hmm… everything is so bloody expensive

Among other things informed that my Professional PHP 4 book (yeah no link to Amazon and I wrote only 3.5 chapters not the entire book 😉 has been reviewed at Slashdot. Rather complimentary review and rated 9, I guess it is 9 out of 10

Clone of the Attack

I did not know how much I miss the MAD magazine till sent this link


Do read the fine print at the bottom of the image :))

Picturesque Speechless


For the lovers of PHP – Viewer discretion advised

Thanks to for the link

Gujarat : 127/181 seats to BJP, Voting 62%.

Blatant threats that the Gujarat Experiment will be repeated next in Rajasthan and then in more places.

Ominous ?

Procrastination is the fear of success. People procrastinate because they are afraid of the success that they know will result if they move ahead now. Because success is heavy, carries a responsibility with it, it is much easier to procrastinate and live

Have been putting off writing several things. Guess I cannot escape much longer but I will definitely try 😉

1) New OO features of PHP5
There are a lots of new Object Oriented features which are promised in the new PHP5 slated for release this summer. Have to practice with them and the best way to learn is to teach someone… …

2) Outsourcing to India – What to look out for?
Too many people have burnt fingers giving work to self advertised mega corporates which turned out to be one computer one man shows. some of them were our own clients who did not consult us before hiring in places like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore – a set of guidelines which does not negatively portray freelancers will have to be made.

3) SANIsoft’s Open Source Business Model
Hmmm… … This has to be factual and still be an interesting / impressive read


No let me start with the above three first.

In other things – yesterday night we went out for dinner because there was no electricity and Aasim refused to eat in the light of the torch…

Good that we did – nice bhuna chicken and afghani kebabs