Elephants and short-tailed shrews get by on only two hours of sleep a day

Aasim now sleeps in his own room! This was aided by the allure of sleeping on a bunk bed which he got as Christmas + New Years gift.

Though for a couple of days we were apprehensive that he might fall BUT it just proved to be a typical parents anxiety 🙂

I have put some pictures of Aasim’s room here

The Gila monster spends about 96 percent of its life underground.

It was with some amount of anticipation that I clicked the link to “What should I do with my Life” in ‘s journal. Though nothing against the author or the content of the article I was quite disappointed. This is a great article for someone in their late teens or early tweens or someone currently unemployed.

I am in a different kind of dilemma I embarked on passionate set of dreams about 20 years ago and realized every single one of them. Some trivial ones were indeed dropped, deemed as not worth following but anything I valued I did not let go till it came true … …

May be I aimed wee bit low than what was / is my potential. These dreams were molded by the reality of being a school teachers son – so naturally the list did not have things like “Having my own Lear Jet” stuff, BUT they were my *dreams*. Struggling to fulfill them was a thrill seeing them fulfilled was very satisfying… …

What next? I am now bored (yeah it has been there since past so many months). I did not let go of my dreams now they wont let go of me. I am a prisoner of my own achievements, more like I am prisoner of the responsibilities of my dreams… …

I am not saying that I want to shrug that responsibility – just that I am bored of it!! I know I had written about this a few months ago and was then caught up in the Bangkok project, but the boredom did not go away – It was just pushed back for a while.

Also note that boredom does not mean that I am not happy – but I dread that the boredom will soon degenerate into a sense of futility.

Hmm… does any one know of an article like “What to do with my life next”

French toast isn’t French. It comes from a Roman cookbook, dating back to 1000 or 2000 B.C. titled Apicius on Cooking.

Finally managed to steal a date with my wife to the new Barista which has recently opened. Sadly we did not have more than an hour at our disposal.

Among other things there has been a renewed interest in the “Flirting and Dating mini-HOW-TO” thanks to a recent post by .

BTW thanks for posting that picture of me and you at LB2002

No matter when a race horse is born, they all “become” a year older on New Year’s Day

Contrary to the premonitions of my wife it was a good day to start the year. The first mail in the morning was an SRD from a prospective client whom Swati had been following for some time. It is the second consecutive year when we have had a new project on 1st of Jan.

Last night we did what a whole lot of our friends at LJ did – stay home and sleep 🙂

Aasim did manage to get a party of sorts going with the office staff in the evening but they all dispersed by his bedtime (much to their relief). After Aasim slept me and Swati sat and talked for a long long time – did a bit of channel surfing on the TV and slept, slept through the fireworks and the phones ringing and the SMS’es

Only 2 animals can see completely behind themselves without turning their heads: the rabbit and the parrot.

Last day of the year… … I guess I can just go back and look at all the LJ entries that I have made and I will know what all good I have done in the past year 🙂

BUT what can I remember as exceptional? Personally… … not much but lot of what I feel good about is what happened at SANIsoft, that is a lot and I would rather save it for some other day. I guess I should be glad to have the “Pro PHP 4” book published, as a public relations stunt it has a great value but again the satisfaction that could have been derived was to a great degree robbed away by the publishers… …

I traveled a lot this year most of it in the last 4 months to Bangkok and quite enjoyed my trips. Thinking more staidly, the relationship between me and Swati evolved that much more – can’t say it was because of the fact that both of us were extremely busy and money was not really a problem OR just that age is catching up.

Yes there is one regrettable thing though – this year I completely stopped my medicine practice.

So am I dissatisfied? No! not at all because we had all the successes in SANIsoft. SANIsoft is not just a business for me/us it is a dream which we are steadily forging into a reality.

The two hemispheres of a dolphin’s brain can work independently.

It was a pretty restless weekend – restless as in not being allowed to rest or relax. But I did manage to get some work done 🙂

Among the better things that happened over the week end was that finally the Spell checker in Mozilla worked for me download it from https://spellchecker.mozdev.org if you don’t already have it. The second thing was that I discovered that the book “Creating Applications with Mozilla” is published under OPL So I need not wait for it to be available in India, though I am sure I will pick up a print copy when I get a chance.

Have got some ideas on making a Mozilla client for our CMS

Looks like the much wanted feature of web page embedded WYSIWYG editor for Mozilla is already there in V1.3 but some bits still need work. Till then take a look at https://composite.mozdev.org

A large hemispherical cultured pearl is referred to as a mabe.

PHP 4.3 has been released and with it comes one more reason for people like me for not using Perl 😉

The CLI now is a different distinct SAPI, though I have used PHP for shell scripting often things like $ some_application | some_filter | php | sort -u >final_output.txt had many limitations.

The truest mark of a man’s wisdom is his ability to listen to other men expound their wisdom.

Had a bad headache throughout the day, looks like I am going to get Aasim’s cold. Thankfully the headache has abated in the past hour

Found a rather interesting LJ community today https://www.livejournal.com/users/lj_nifty If you like to spice up your LJ with little something extra do take a look

Just hacked a custom style to get my friends posts, subject and user name, to scroll in KNewsTicker (yeah! it is RSS feed) https://www.livejournal.com/customview.cgi?user=username&styleid=175885
Just paste the above line with your username as the news source 🙂

In ancient Egypt, onions were an object of worship, its circle-within-a-circle structure symbolized eternal life.

Had looked at my own user info and noticed my friends circle, 28 people list me as their friend out of which I have reciprocated to only 12 people.

What does that make me? an introvert OR popular 😉

Honestly for me it means none of the above because I just surf over to most of the journals at least once a week. Am refraining from adding more people to my friends list because given my dial-up connection the friends page already is too long. I guess this must be a stage which everyone goes thru on LJ… ….

On a more serious note I just finished reading this https://www.rediff.com/news/2002/dec/24praful.htm

I feel that the memory of the mob in general is very very short and it works both ways. I am not saying that what happened in Gujarat was right and that the rulers are blameless, just that such things have been happening in India repeatedly – The violence in the wake of Rath Yatra and post Babri Masjid demolition was just as bad – the utterances of Sadhvi Rithambhra were just as vitriolic. The declarations of death of secularism were just as vehement… …

But among all this is also a ray of hope – madmen cannot just take over the country sanity ultimately prevails. All you can do is pray that you don’t caught in an insane time or place