The domestic cat is the only species able to hold its tail vertically while walking

A little bit more – Dr Hook 1973

When your body’s had enough of me
And I’m laying flat out on the floor
When you think I’ve loved you all I can
I’m gonna love you a little bit more

Come on over and lay by my side
I’ve got to be touching you.
Let me rub your tired shoulders
The way I used to do.

Look into my eyes and give me that smile
The one that always turns me on
And let me take your hair down
Cause we’re staying up to greet the sun.

And when your body’s had enough of me
And I’m laying flat out on the floor
When you think I’ve loved you all I can
I’m gonna love you a little bit more

Got to say a few things that have been on my mind
You know where my mind has been
I guess I learned my lessons
And now’s the time to begin

So if you’re feelin’ alright and you’re ready for me
I know that I’m ready for you
We better get it on now
Cause we got our whole life to live through

And when your body’s had enough of me
And I’m layin’ flat out on the floor
When you think I’ve loved you all I can
I’m gonna love you a little bit more

When your body’s had enough of me
And I’m layin’ flat out on the floor?

Thanks to vaibhav I also caught the bug 🙂

I first heard this song when I was 13, my elder brother had purchased the LP record for the album. Then, I remember, having thought of the song as a bit scandalous. By 15 I wanted to find a soul mate for whom I could play this song. Since that, been there done that, have her as my wife and had almost forgotten the song… …

Guess time for playing it again – since past 2 days have been feeling very grumpy, irritable and pressured for no distinct reason 🙁

BTW read more about Dr Hook here.

The son of God is the same as the son of man – Voltaire

Sooner or later your son will be better at doing most of the things that you do now.

Aasim already is at it – He can fly a kite better than me and almost as well as his mother

Here are some pictures that I took of him yesterday. They are really funny because he is not allowed for reasons of safety to stand on top of the car.

My Mother

To world whatever she might have been, a poetess, an author, a teacher, a social worker, to me she was just my mother and how so ever lagging behind my peers in every respect , my being her son was enough for her.

Life was so simple and so good. There were very few rules to follow
1) Don’t tell a lie
2) Don’t fail in final exams.

That is it!!

Point (1) I was never reprimanded for not following it. Point (2) I was always the one to be given grace marks.

What do I thank my mother most for?
For teaching me how to cook at the age of 14, this not only made sure that I never went hungry, it also laid the foundation to respect women, whatever and where ever.

Had she been around she would have been very proud with what I have done with my life BUT most likely had she been around I wouldn’t be what I am today. A satisfied man is not the best person to ask or expect ambition from.

It was 21 years ago today, that fate decided that I am to grow up in a single stroke. I don’t regret the hurt I went through at 15 but I do feel that at 45 years she was too young to die from a cardiac arrest.

In most of the ways I just grew up that day, but in some ways I am still a teenager.

I still miss her, I still want to show her everything I do with the same glee as the crabs and snakes that I use to catch. I still want to hide my head in her lap shut my eyes and sleep off when the pressures of this world get too much to bear, but again I know, some how some where, she is there for me, I couldn’t have walked so far life without the help of my mother who insisted that I, all of 12 months old, walk with her to the podium when she got her MA degree… …

I however have still not fulfilled one of her wishes. She wished that I should learn how to read and write Urdu.

To safeguard its food when away, the wolverine marks it with a strong musk so foul-smelling that other animals won’t touch it.

Was a nice weekend. Went to a book fair and picked up a lot of books for Aasim and a few to be gifted to friends growing old 😉

Swati picked up the latest by Vikram Seth.

Yesterday dinner *we* made Chicken Dilkush, Chicken in a spicy gravy of cashew nut and poppy seed paste.

qt after an initial bad tummy has really adapted well. The best part is that she is already toilet trained – actually goes in the toilet and sits on the water trap in corner!!! She is too conscious to let me take a pic. Give a look of “you pervert” 😀

There are about 40 different muscles in a bird’s wing.

These Britons are crazy – I know they have Royal Societies for everything but Tit Watching!!!!

Dont believe me? – take a look at and it was formed in 1824, by Lord Roylott of Stoke Moran, Surrey. A great site too. Has links to pictures and a section on different types of … ..

Exiting: Mouse not found!

As reported by qt The cat adopted our family today morning. She is a bit older than the earlier reported six weeks but none the less a typical cat 🙂

Here are the first pictures

In the marriage ceremony of the ancient Incas the couple took off their sandals and exchanged them

Lots of things in a relationship change as time goes on here are some of the recent real life before (early) and after things that I can recall in our marriage

Before After
Coffee tea or me?
Coffee tea or me?
Lets go to bed!
Lets go to bed…
You take the Palm and give me the Readers Digest
Dont be so passionate !! WAIT!! you will tear it.

Still everything is a lot of fun 🙂

I down loaded a lot of LOTR wallpapers for my desktop today.  Now that Aasim is into it he will want my desktop to have the LOTR theme. Not that I am complaining … …

Zoanthropy is a form of mental disorder in which the patient imagines himself to be a beast.

“Aniken fought Froddo on mount Doom for the control of the Ring, fell into the fire and became Darth Vader!” Some imagination I would say… …

When I patiently explained that the two stories happen in two different universe Aasim just gave me a look which said “Spoil sport” 🙁

Then he wanted to know the complete story of Gollum – a search on the net got me this biography – small enough to be told as a bedtime tale.

The school wants the children to write in “Marion Richardson” script strangely the search of the net did not show up a compatible font – Guess Swati will have to do it by hand, as it is supposed to be, unless she can pull off another of her miracles.

I discovered friends groups on LJ and now have added every one to my friends list who lists me as their friend.

I also bullied the new programmer into surrendering his 17″ monitor to me and take my older 15″ – one advantages of being the owner one might say, but not really so, the older boys wold have flatly refused had I dared too 😀

The world’s first patent was granted in 1421 to architect Filippo Brunelleschi in Florence to make a barge crane to transport marble.

Yesterday I downloaded my free copy of January issue of the magazine PHP|architect.

Despite my initial disdain the magazine over all turned out to be pretty good reading. Have written an impromptu review here

Among other things I have decided to go back and re-learn one of the things which I had left behind JAVA !!!

This is due to the fact that Rajesh who was my mentor in early Linux days and the main motivator behind SANIsoft insisted this – in the end said that we have to do it as a favor. This is something I just cannot refuse. So we have this new Java programmer at SANIsoft, though Rajesh has said that he will co-ordinate the project himself from US but I don’t really like the idea of being a clueless CTO so I have to learn… …

Besides Swati says that the money is good (duh!?)