Swati pointed out to me – I have been avoiding coming to the office just because I am forced to work on a Winduhs machine.

Must agree that it is true and a bit childish. But on the flip side there is a lull in work and I am spending some time away from the computer which is not such a bad thing.

Not that I am doing anything productive am currently addicted to solving nonograms on my Palm (as in M505 😉 am also catching up with my sleep deficit and cricket… …

Ancient Greeks used sea sponges to pad their helmets and leg armor.

Most of yesterday was spent lazing around and building an Exo Toa for Aasim. There seems to be some problem with my site so cant upload the pictures 🙁

Today for lunch had gone to Tuli and had some fabulous sizzlers. Evening is planned with Swati’s mum making pani-puri, yum yum, slurp…

On work front looks like we are in for a bigger dose of Java. Guess thats OK as long as it is paying and we have time left to work on things we like 🙂

The penguin is the only bird that can swim, but not fly. It is also the only bird that walks upright.

Things that I most miss about my Linux Desktop (not in order)

1) Virtual desktops – I like to keep my apps organised with one category to one desktop, admin tools on desktop 1, browser desktop on desktop 2 and so on
2) Copy by selection and middle button paste
3) Clipboard history
4) KNewsTicker, Xine, Gkrelmn, WorldClock
5) Multi tabbed Konsole
6) Mosfet Liquid theme

Not to mention the stability and host of other CLI tools which I have now come to use on daily basis… ….

The list can go on and I am sure each one of my points can be countered and that there are utilities out there to do what I want BUT everything I wanted was commercial software. Would rather wait a couple of weeks.

Spent some time play Unreal Tournament 2003 on Aasim’s machine – the graphics really are awesome. The game play I found to be a bit easier than Quake III

The frame buffer hack on of setting it to 8mb in BIOS for 845glly mobo does not really work too well. Have been unable to get more than 1024×768. Anitaliasing not working in KDE, Sound not playing

Also the GRUB screen takes unduly long to come up… …

So it is back to winduhs till I get a fix

ESPN, a total sports network, made its debut on cable in 1979

Yesterday we managed to setup the cable internet for the network, though it is not as per the book it is working. I will have to read more about MASQ Vs NAT etc

The speeds are between 6 to 8 Kb/sec which is pretty acceptable to me, the best part is no limits on bandwidth usage and a static IP

Aasim’s computer has also been setup the GeForce4 64MB card on that machine really rocks!! Today Aasim wants to try out Quake 3 multiplayer.

I also got time to assemble my new machine with Intel 845glly mobo and had to spend considerable time getting winduhs to install and work over it. I hate being stuck with it, guess will have to wait till a CBP gets back and lets me know what exactly to download, yeah yeah I know its all there on the web BUT then what are friends for if not sharing knowledge 😉

Weekend was pretty busy with nothing in particular. Yeah we did watch the match, guess Swati’s was the first post among my friends about the victory… …

Been thinking a lot about the 2003 Union Budget which was presented on 28th Feb. Everyone is talking about quality of life becoming better etc BUT it is also the a fact that we are moving towards “spend now pay later” economy. This is a great model if the economy is booming and you are assured that the money is not going to dry up. Also this is good when the infrastructure for insurance and health services is great, but India is in a transition phase. This translates to very low interest rates on your savings, poor insurance services, poor investment markets, which inturn means that small businessmen and professionals who went into retirement OR are planning to retire soon with a small capital will be in a fix. Swati’s father has already seen his income from interest shrink by almost 50% My Aunt who is a doctor is similarly worried… …

Even we are worried about our long term strategies BUT thankfully age is on our side.

Happy B’day Sweetheart

No, No special plans really. No special gifts either. The one which I really have/will given will take till July to shape up!

Guess – I will let her write about it.

In your past life, yoiu were Royalty
May I, your majesty? You were the highest class of
your time, and you still expect to get your way
without any fuss.

Who were you in your past life?
brought to you by Quizilla

Duh! No wonder I am feeling so frustrated stuck without my computer, Vinay fried his mobo so I had to surrender mine

The other computers and furnitures not yet delivered, Cable workin but not networked, I don’t have RH8.1 to make my 845glly mobos work 🙁

Almost nothing will be done today as there is India Vs Pakistan cricket match today. Which for many people is more important than even the final match



Yipee!!! We finally have Cable Internet, connects are not great BUT its there.

Thanks to sidcarter, zoneee and shankarbalan for helping sort out the netmask issue on Linux, In the process we once again discovered that things on Linux work as they are expected to work and Winduhs setup are misleading

The three-toed sloth spends about 18 hours a day hanging upside down from a tree, asleep.

Too many things seem to be hanging midway for my comfort.

Projects – Commercial and Non commercial waiting for feedback
Aasim’s PC – Still not delivered after 2 days the MoBo I want is out of stock.
Swati’s table – Vendor says there is no one to assemble it
Cable Internet – The cable has been laid but not gone live
Money – Will come in Monday

Now only if I had some place OR someone to go and hang out with… …

As an aside – am growing my mustache right back!