“the West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact, non-Westerners never do.”

Samuel P. Huntington

Taken from “Where is Raed” link picked up from khorgath

If feel so infinitely blessed, all I have to worry about is that the dial-up connection sux, our washing machine needs a change. I need a holiday, will our TV be repaired by Sunday when India plays Australia

The only thing that could have possibly stopped this war was presence of a bigger bully . The erstwhile USSR did serve a useful purpose. Today there is no one in the world who can talk back to USA the way Khrushchev did at the time of Cuban missile crisis

My knowledge of the Cuban missile crisis is more or less limited to what my Dad told me as a teenager – but a cursory reading on the web confirms most of the things.

More saddening is the fact that some of the local media and politicians are using this as an opportunity to rattle their sabres and rankle up communal passion.

There still is hope for this world?

An unexpected thunderstorm today morning zapped Aasim’s PC, 3 ports on my main switch and a network card.

It also fried the router / repeater at my cable guy, several modems at VSNL are also dead – I am stuck with a really lousy dial up again

What does one do for surge protection via network cables?

What Drink Are You?

Duh! I was hoping to be Bacardi 😉

Was Holi today – unfortunately Swati is allergic to all the colours used so we prefer to keep a very low profile. Couple that with the fact that cable net was down for 9 hours.

However the day as once again saved by my darling wife – She got 2 movies to watch Freaky Chakra and Eyes Wide Shut. Deepti Naval wins over Nicole Kidman atleast for me…

WROX shutting down

(22:49:02) achitnis: https://dotnetweblogs.com/tmarman/posts/3814.aspx
(22:49:24) achitnis: https://dotnetweblogs.com/JAvery/posts/3810.aspx
(22:49:49) tariquesani: looking – no wonder they were cheating on the royalty checks

Talk about misuse of resources – Finally sick of Winduhs woes I am using X over VNC, A switched network and powerful machines rock 😉

After experimenting with several Network monitoring tools have settled for Nagios for details and IPTraf for the quick and dirty work.

The efforts on configuring Nagios paid off when I could show my cable guy the outages in services in a graph and a table down to the seconds…

Birds do not sing because they are happy. It is a territorial behavior.

A nice weekend

The trees around our house and office, since last three days, have been flocked over by hundreds of Dark Throated Thrushes twittering away to glory. Since Salim Ali’s “Book of Indian Birds” does not list them identification was a challenge which we enjoyed.. …

The summer has really set in – and so has the best part of summer – the flowering of mogra bushes which are outside our house. Swati likes to have a bunch mogra flowers put in every room so the complete house is filled with that sweet sensuous aroma.

The birds also are nesting now so we are seeing a lot of them around.

Yesterday morning after a gap of nearly a year another effort to revive Nagpur LUG was made by Kanti Jadia, 6 of us met at SANIsoft office. Kanti who is a thoroughly brainwashed GNUhead was told by me that I would like to see technology as the mainstay rather than ideology. He as expected did not agree. However we did agree to find a bigger place to meet – A local polytechnic college has been suggested. If it works out then may be we will see some activity, but I don’t expect much.

P.S. Thanks to all of you who commented on my previous post

A fifteenth anniversary is called a quindecennial.

1 year, 266 entries, 772 comments posted, 469 received. 46 friends and friends of 47.

Can just numbers describe a journal…

Can each one of you tell me why you keep a journal or a blog?

After playing briefly with Hover Desk, remembered Lite Step today, downloaded it.

WOW! I now have everything other than mouse select copy on my Winduhs desktop

Yesterday we spotted for the first time a pair of “White throated ground thrush”, today we spotted a pair of “Small blue kingfisher” near our home. The kingfisher has been spotted after a long time.

Amongst other things started playing around with network monitoring tools… …

Cats have better memories than dogs

It was ten years ago today that a series of bomb blasts ripped thru the bustling metropolis of Mumbai killing more than 250 people, injuring nearly a 1000, destroying property worth crores… …

For most the blasts are distant, inconsequential, long forgotten. Just as the events which brought on the attack and the atrocities committed after in name of investigations

I remember it vividly because by a strange quirk of fate on this very same day and time I was reaching Mumbai to meet Swati. The train was delayed by 45 min. Thank God for that, had the train been on time Swati would definitely be caught in either the Air India office blast OR the Worli station blast.

It was also this very night that my brother said that Swati cannot stay at his place and that she will never be a part of the family… … Thankfully again that also has been forgotten(?) by everyone.