
Fun is more fun when the people with whom you are having fun know what the fun is all about!

You never know how tall you stand unless you stand up for yourself!

These two gems were thrown casually at me by my wife this morning over a very trivial matter – been thinking about it since then….

Ah! she is so devious – BUT – then loving wouldn’t be so much fun if we completely understood each other in everything 😉

I have a thousand wishes, each one of them to die for…

Take a look at this and then the original here and you will understand why I want higher mega pixels on my camera.

My heart is currently set on Nikon Coolpix 5700, it is available here for INR 49500 which currently is way beyond my reach.

Well… someday… sooner or later…

All three of us are suffering from sore throat, runny nose and the works. Everyone is keeping out of everyone’s way 😉

Solo thought

In the dichotomy between your heart and brain it is my rationale and love which are the victims

Torn… …


This was my theme entry to and the emotion for most of the week…

Things on the work front are again threatening to be mind numbingly hectic which thankfully is good.

There are several changes which I would like to see in to make it more fun…

  1. Ability to rate more than 3 pictures in various grades – this will give everyone a chance to get rated
  2. The voting page display should be randomised every so often – the picture on the later pages get very few views
  3. Score board should show average and number of challenges entered – gives a more complete pciture
  4. Automation of scoring results – Time saver for admin

I had offered to help out with the programming part but the community owner webkin declined saying she likes to do everything manually, in fact she said computing the final results for the last challenge took 7 hours !!! and adds she does not have any more time – go figure that catch 22 😀

The community now has nearly 1000 members – wonder how long before ….


When people say “They don’t have a choice” they usually mean that they don’t want you to have a choice… …


Have you ever regretted having seen a person, you knew virtually, in real life?

Have you ever regretted telling someone they lied when they lie?

Have you ever regretted dreaming and achieving?

Have you ever regretted regretting?


Hmm… If I did start thinking all these things I would have wasted too much time. Currently I am busy compiling Apache 1.3 with PHP 5 on Red Hat 9 running in VMware Workstation, at the same time I am trying to tweak the photo gallery script my website. Been wondering whether to embed my LJ there or not… currently the inclination is to let is remain as it is.

has really rekindled my interest in photography. I finally have a real actively pursued hobby. I wish I could start saving for buying a new camera BUT damn it! I never have any money – must start moonlighting ;o)

PHP 5.0.0 Beta 1 launched

Having tested the Alpha, I am thrilled at the features of PHP 5 but at the same time not jumping up and down with glee, given the history it will be at least one more year before I use it in my production environment. See change log at

That said, PHP5 for me will definitely redefine a whole lot of things for me in terms of programming style as it incorporates a lot of real OOP features.

A question is everyone’s mind is about unbundling of MySQL client library from PHP due to license issues. At the onset it looks bad BUT if you read around carefully you will notice the MySQL extension itself is not gone – it is just not bundled with the PHP download.

Lets see whom it hurts more MySQL or PHP – IMO it will be MySQL.

As an aside notice PostgreSQL is under BSD Licence

[Further update]
Ugh – but this is the place to say this…

I have been wondering if I as a developer distributed only PHP scripts would I be in violation of the MYSQL GPL?
As I understand GPL – No! I am not incorporating any part of MySQL code into my scripts nor am I distributing any part of MySQL code.
[/Further update]

Oh no not again!!

No this is not my entry for . This is a replication of a picture shown at The only change is that instead of black and white sheets I used the computer monitor as the background. This would have been perfect had the lemon slice been not touching the black part. See a larger version here. I would have entered this picture had n2kaja also not done the same.

I have now started to feel the need for a higher resolution camera. Mine does just 1.3mp at that size you have to do all your composition/cropping in camera, sigh! I dont have the money to buy a new camera, damnit! I never have money. 😉

I have been playing around with a new photo gallery script for my website , currently I dont plan to put anything other than my photo gallery there. This is a personal site and will have things which I don’t indulge in professionally. All my technical stuff belongs to SANIsoft.

We have a fabulous lunch planned for today – I just peeked and the dough for naan has really puffed up well – been a long time that I did some serious cooking.

Oh! my entry is here

Early bird gets the worm – Ugh!

I enacted “Early to bed and early to rise” today, only that I did not intend it to be this way. I wanted to sleep real late today completing the sleep deficit for the week.

Except for the fact that I still need about 4 hours of sleep I am really liking it. I am sitting in Aasim’s room (he crawled into our bed sometime late night) with windows open watching the sky change colours and listening to the babble of birds outside. I just realised that it is weekend once again 🙂 time once again is flying…

This week I had to tighten the reins on the programmers. How so ever I hate doing it, it comes with the job of being responsible and sadly there are very few emplyees who really understand this. For almost everyone I see around me – “Its just a job”

Yeah! It is a job that needs to be done. I guess I might as well ask for the moon… …

Open Mind == Screw Loose

Sometime yesterday evening, Just as Aasim walked into the room Swati said to me “You should have an open mind”, Aasim without even pausing his stride queried “Shall I get the screwdriver set?” (to loosen the screws)

All of us had a hearty laugh – The kid is getting a wacko sense of humour.