Reaching up

Today morning Aasim casually reached up and unlatched the top latch of our front door!!

He is tall for a nine year old – the first image which flashed in front of my eyes was – Aasim about 15 months  old would walk upto the dining table around meal times and peer very critically at the food kept there – only his eyes would reach above the table top. He never bothered to try and stand on tip toes to get a better view or may be he already knew it was not worth the effort…

and we could  read  in his eyes if the food presented was to his liking or not

The “Mere paas Maa hai!” factor

I had been struggling since some time to give a name or a phrase to the set of conditions which drives a person to work and continue working in a small setup. While this is very easy to define within a start-up – the “Lucy in the sky with diamonds” factor, a maturing but still small enterprise is long past such delusions.

Thanks to my recent illness and the cable-guys blacking out anything but Bollywood – I was enlightened with the “Mere paas Maa hai!” factor.

So what is this factor?

Well it is at least in part intangible yet the love and pride for *it* is so powerful that it can override many of the tangible and materialistic benefits which a person might derive if he were to be assimilated in a bigger enterprise.

Something which goads you and guides you at the same time to do what is right. Something which makes your sleep a satisfied one at the end of the day. Something which makes you want to reach back to what you were doing the next morning. Something which sets you free. and yet something which binds you…

It is a very tough task to cultivate this in a work place and a tougher task to inculcate this into your co-workers – but if you do listen to what your business is trying to tell you, if you do have your hand on the pulse of your employees you will know what to do and when, on second thoughts if you are already aware of the above then most probably you have chosen people who will value the above to work with you…

If you are working in a small setup and are happy – I would like to hear about *your* “Mere paas Maa hai” factor.

P.S. The phrase “Mere paas Maa hai” literally translated means “I have (my) Mother with me” refers to a reply given by Ravi (Shashi Kapoor) to his older brother Vijay (Amitabh Bacchan) in the 1975 Bollywood super hit Deewar

I have been clinically diagnosed to be suffering from Chikungunya fever since last three days. It would not be so bad only if the nausea was absent – the fever and joint pains I can bear but wrenchng your guts out every half an hour or so really SUX

The second rung re-visited

Some time ago I had boasted about how I had successfully nurtured a second line of command in the office and how well it was working. Since experience has taught us not to get complacent about any aspect of our business if we are to succeed and also since I was on look out for new mentors for the newbies who would come in from next week or so I decided to re-evaluate how well the things had percolated.

Things on commercial front were perfect everyone does/is doing their job and providing the much needed billing hours…. however much to my dismay people were stagnating and getting bored!! The job had become a dull chore for many.

What had gone wrong?

My fiercely loyal lieutenants had failed to teach the others “How to learn?” specially about self learning. Maybe I am at fault somewhere because I have taught them, the second rung, not so much by direct instruction as by example. Also I found them to be too impatient with their juniors, giving up too easily or worse labeling them not fit for anything but mundane things.

On talking to them, the baseline was “they, the juniors, don’t learn” – my answer was “before asking them what did they learn have you ever questioned yourself? What did you try to teach them today?”

SANIsoft has till now retained people because it is exciting to work here, there is a sense of openness (as in Open Source) in the working environment, daily there is something new to learn, you get ample time to work on your own open source projects, open code you work on here goes under *your* name. I want all this and more to be instilled in to every newcomer who joins… With SANIsoft poised to triple, perhaps quadruple, its team size in next 12 months – it will be imperative that this continues as we want it to.

I, among other things, am back to doing what I once did very well – Teach – I am now teaching “How to teach”

Taking control back!

After a Reality Check had forced us on starting medications, we got our latest reports yesterday and as expected every value is back to normal. Will talk to our doctor and hopefully the maintenance dose will be much lower at least for the anti-lipid drugs.

The entire last week was spend taking interviews but we did manage to select three promising freshers. From the look of it we are going to need more office place sooner than expected…. looking out…

Random Rules

Be who you are.  Do what you love.  Employ people you like.


Recruitment  is most often the most frustrating of the things that I am supposed to handle. Anyone and everyone who can write mysql_fetch_array() thinks that they are better than Rasmus, it is an entirely different matter that the response is always “Rasmus who?” from these delightfully disillusioned geniuses when you really ask about him.

Once again it is reaffirmed that my old strategy of taking *intelligent* freshers and training them to think the way it works for us is the best…

Other than that life goes on – lot of things are being worked out on the construction front – most important being the electrical layout, with roughly 15 tonnes of AC cooling supposed to be put in I rapidly learnt all there is to about calculating electricity bill. Being finicky about construction quality I learnt about how the waterproofing is done for RCC slabs and the likes. All of this is much more than I had anticipated, specially considering that the designated experts of the contractor and architect are supposed to look after the QA – but then for everyone it is “just a job”. For me? it is my money which is at stake!!! At times like these how I wish that all I had was “just a job”

On second thoughts – naaaahhh!

Don’t be a Nice Guy!!

Self-confident, caring, decent-hearted women find “Nice Guys” to be too clingy, self-abasing, and insecure – you would probably want to read the rest of it