Taking screenshots on E71

My current home screen
My current home screen

Since I decided that I want to be able to write reviews of software on my E71 phone (yeah, that will kind of make this journal bloggy 😉 ) the first thing which I wanted to do was ability to take screenshots.

A bit of Googling brought me to Antony Pranata’s website and his freeware application very intuitively named Screenshot for Symbian OS. Great! Continue reading Taking screenshots on E71

Reviving the journal

After a lot of reluctance I am pushing myself to revive the journal writing, this time though I am going to use a self hosted WordPress on my site at https://tariquesani.net/blog/. Yes the URL says blog but I essentially want to keep this as a journal. No! I do not want to revive the journal vs. blog flame wars.

If you are reading this on the Live Journal site – you will notice that the entry has been cross posted, I will cross post perhaps for a few days and then stop… All the entries right from 2002 have been imported in to the WordPress install.

In a reversal of sorts I have decided to host my pictures at flickr and will be using the blog to post links to them. The current Coppermine install at https://tariquesani.net/ will stay because of SEO reasons, but sooner or later I will make the complete site WordPress based.

For the interested the theme used is a modification of Amazing grace theme – I chose this theme for the rotating headers and warm colors – am finally getting bored of dark colors for my websites 🙂 Anyone having any suggestions for themes are most welcome.

Some day I will make a list of all the widgets and plugins I use.

Searchmonkey beta!

Want to try out the Searchmoney beta but looks like the invites are pretty restricted.

Can any Yahooligan on my friends list help?

Twitter Experiment

  • 14:11 Catching up with school friends is always much nicer than with college friends #
  • 22:02 Re-reading stories by Sadat Hasan Manto… #

Automatically tweeted by LoudTwitter

There are no limits

Aasim read Jonathan Livingston Seagull for the first time. Title of the post is what he had to say when he finished!

When I am feeling blue…

Hibiscus Macro

I like to look at pink….

Smiles from a time gone by…

Soon we will be crossing 25 years to our admission into medical college and some great celebrations are planned, but something more interesting is happening right now – one of my friends Dr. Anup Marar got an idea of creating an SMS based list and we have around 45 people exchanging titbits of nostalgia through out the day.

Here are some hilarious lines attributed to an Anatomy lecturer we had

“Don’t you talk in front of my back!”
“Keep quite Dr. Patki (the hod) is revolving in the department”
A note to a surgeon “Pt.(patient) not passed urine since 2 day. Pl.(please) come and pass urine.”

P.S. As a techno-social side note – an SMS list has worked much better than say a regular email list would have because very few doctors are constantly online but almost everyone has their phones 24×7 with them.

Freed I am not!

On Saturday after a lot of deliberation we decided to cancel our tickets to FREED.IN

Believe me it was a hard decision, with so many fantastic talks lined up, more than that an opportunity to meet friends whom we otherwise see IRL just about once or twice a year.

One talk which I would have really loved to attend was Sankarshan‘s  “Communities is an oft used word” because I totally agree with him when he writes that mechanical analysis of communities is annoying.

Besides, with temperatures already nearing 40C here in Nagpur, Delhi would have been a nice break – I don’t even want to start enumerating the reasons why we are not going.

Sometimes – life just sux “What’s a guy gotta do” he has to do…

Flame bait?

(05:32:57 PM) Swati: useless bunch of low self esteem women!
(05:33:06 PM) Tarique: Sweetheart not everyone plays the same games as you do.

A Perfect Party

Someone from Thane just commented on my previous entry that I was ancient! I guess from a younger man’s perspective, in a world where everything from relationships to fun is seemingly short lived, I, at 41, am ancient but I can assure you that real fun starts at 40 😉

What the ingredients for my perfect party?

#1 A group of close friends
#2 Something to celebrate – I hate the senseless “let’s party” parties
#3 Awesome food – the prerequisite to applying the adjective awesome is atleast 3 types of kebabs or 4 types of Pizzas
#4 Lots of booze – for the record I no longer drink but I absolutely love to make people drunk 😛

Past few days have been a string of such parties with friends from school – some of the boys and gals I hadn’t met for more than 10 years but that hardly came in the way. We even sat in a circle and shared the bottle like we use to do with our lunch boxes.