The disappearing supercilium…

Ashy Prinia
Ashy Prinia

Another mystery solved for me. I had often wondered why some Ashy Prinia show supercilium and others don’t. Wikipedia informs me “In breeding plumage, adults of the northern population are ash grey above, with a black crown and cheek with no supercilium and rufescent wings. In non-breeding season this population has a short and narrow white supercilium and the tail is longer”

Psst… Supercilium is a synonym for eyebrow 😉

They have ultra-violet vision!

Common Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
Common Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)

A fact that I learnt today about this species today is that are able to see near ultraviolet light, allowing the birds to detect the urine trails around rodent burrows as they shine in an ultraviolet colour in the sunlight.

Oriental White-eye – 2

Oriental White-eye foraging on a bottle brush tree
Oriental White-eye foraging on a bottle brush tree

There is always a better shot 😉

Oriental Pratincole

Oriental Pratincole in flight over Makardokda Lake
Oriental Pratincole in flight over Makardokda Lake

The Oriental Pratincole (Glareola maldivarum), also known as the Grasshopper-Bird or Swallow-Plover is a wader in the pratincole family, Glareolidae.

Their most unusual feature of the pratincoles is that although classed as waders they typically hunt their insect prey on the wing like swallows, although they can also feed on the ground.

Black Redstart

Black Redstart - male
Black Redstart - male

Till very recently I did not know about the sub-species of Black Redstart. The sub-species we get is Phoenicurus ochruros rufiventris. Seen in Turkmenistan eastwards through Pamir and Alay Mountains to Himalaya and is a widespread winter visitor to the rest of Indian plians

Oriental White-eye

Oriental White-eye foraging on a bottle brush tree
Oriental White-eye foraging on a bottle brush tree

The Oriental White-eye, Zosterops palpebrosus, is a small passerine bird. They are easily identified by the distinctive white eye-ring and overall yellowish upperparts. Several populations of this widespread species are named subspecies and some have distinctive variations in the extent and shades of yellows in their plumage.About eleven subspecies are well recognized.

Long-crested Ealge, Juvenile

Long-crested Eagle - Juvenile
Long-crested Eagle - Juvenile

When I first saw this bird I was reminded of the Changelable Hawk Eagle…


Rufous Treepie - Dendrocitta vagabunda
Rufous Treepie - Dendrocitta vagabunda

In the morning it looked like there will be no sun on the new years day but by afternoon the skies cleared out and I could go out for a walk! Happy new 2012 to everyone

Goodbye 2011

Cuddle Party 2
Half a dozen Green Bee-eaters cuddled up on a cold winter morning

This is my last photo for the year 2011

Cuddle Party

A flock of Indian Silverbill
A flock of Indian Silverbill

Weather yesterday suddenly seemed more chilly and I was reminded of this photo of mine and posted it to Facebook and 500px – surprisingly it went on to the 1st page of 500px popular