Since year 2000 there has been a steady rise of self harm behaviour in teens1. Trying to replace self-harm with something less harmful works for some people. Encourage the young person to try a few of these to see if they work for them:
- Wait 15 minutes before self harming
- Hold ice cubes in their hand – cold causes pain but is not dangerous to their health
- Wear rubber bands on their wrist to flick themselves when they feel like hurting themselves
- Use a red pen to draw on the areas they might normally cut
- Work it off with exercise, do something they enjoy
- Eat a chilli
- Take a deep breath and count to 10 or try deep breathing and relaxation exercises
- Try to focus on something around them, something simple, watch it for a while and see if that can distract them from the negative thoughts
- Talk to someone
- Write in a journal, draw or express feelings in another way