Pediatrician and a Forensic Expert. A passionate PHP geek. Currently CTO, SANIsoft. Also a photographer, bird watcher, nature lover and a FOSS enthusiast.
How am I weird?
tagged me with a meme where I have to write 6 weird things about myself.
Well I wouldn’t ever do things which *I* felt were weird….
So please tell me what you feel is weird about me – fire away I will not delete or screen *any* comments howsoever weird they may be from my point of view 😉
I wouldn’t be doing stuff that I felt were wierd, either.
You’ll just have to put up stuff that the junta might find wierd- as in, out of the ordinary. Like you being a doc by qualification while changing lanes later on… 😛
Just for the heck of it- and trust me, it can be fun analyzing the ways in which people think one might be, well, different…