
Someone from the previous generation tried to tell me that at 40 one should start to sit back, settle down and learn to be content. My only response was “Yeah! I will go and kill myself!!” accompanied by vigorous nodding of head, true to my expectation my words went unheard and my action was taken as acceptance…

What the heck! – The game has just about begun on the *next* level, I am still groping around for the power-ups needed to cross this level, beginnings are at times frustrating, irritating and seemingly insurmountable and add to it the fact that the game is so open ended 😉

Thursday found myself amused at the fly from Bangalore whom I caught in my Honey Pot – I usually don’t run my honeyd and snort (whats the point – I am not prosecuting them) but I was bored – this luzer was so dumb that he was not even using a proxy. I patiently scanned him and then I let him in – wall’ing messages were not a hint enough that he was caught, best of all he was searching for NEF files, it was a good fun for the 30 minutes or so it lasted.

Am currently reading “Marker” by Robin Cook, it is another matter that may not complete it, but all the detailed description of the autopsies made me a bit nostalgic, we use to do a lot similar stuff, the banter in the mortuary was almost the same as was the thrill… Unfortunately nostalgia has a habit of not giving you the complete picture, significant part of the picture was about the bureaucracy and an even larger part was corruption, the end result was that if you really wanted to do your stuff you found yourself painted into a corner. Leaving Forensic Medicine was a very conscious decision – the future was dominated by the dark side.