Returned from Pattaya on Tuesday and will be again leaving for Bangalore on Monday. Have to schedule unimaginable number of things in the intervening days but I guess I will manage well 
From Monday myself and Swati will be in Bangalore to attend This time I am not giving a talk and looking forward to it!
Will meet a lot of old friends and listen to at least some talks for once. The event itself has come a long way from IT com 2000 and so have we, it feels great to have been a part, how so ever small, of this event since past 6 years. Along the way we have gathered close friends, lots of knowledge, also a small sense of self significance and humility.
Another thing different this time would be that Aasim will not be travelling with us – He, like the event, has also grown. Heck! it feels like yesterday that we celebrated his 3rd Birthday at IT com 2000 and now he has his own set of responsibilities. He is brave about it but he loved to be the only kid around the venue, we will miss him too… but somethings have to be done.
Amongst all this there indeed is one commitment which is suffering – my aim to put a 1000 pictures at NagpurBirds before 31st December. Oh well! I may still be able to do it if I have time.