My hobbies till now have mostly followed a common life cycle – The seeds of its birth are sown by a combination of boredom and an itch to scratch, from there it usually rapidly grows to become almost an obsession which ultimately metamorphoses in to profession of sorts at this point the hobby, passion and obsession part invariably withers away and ultimately dies. All that remains is a corpse that is just a job to be done. I know that there are a lot of people who would say you need to love your job and thats the happiest part and blah – believe me, I have been there and done that several times. The withering away usually starts with small compromises that you make to get the job done in the given set of parameters, as soon the freedom is lost death is inevitable.
Right now I am resisting the same seduction for photography – there are several enticing assignments which will let me do a whole lot of great photography and right now it is the kind of photography that I like but I have firmly decided that I am not going to take them up. For once I can afford to refuse – I like that freedom a lot 🙂