Fill in the balloon, what is the little girl saying to the boy – If you, like me are working today, here is a chance to…. 😉
Swati: Aaaaasimmm….
No answer…
Swati: Aaaaasimmmmmmm
No answer! He is finally located sitting in his room busy with something arcane
Swati: Why don’t you reply?
Aasim: Sssh! don’t disturb me I am inside a (computer) game and someone else is controlling me
As Spaceman Spiff crash lands on the dreaded Yellow planet a monster arrives … Aasim’s response on seeing the picture 🙂
Yesterday was a bright winter afternoon ideal for lazing in the sun, however I did no such thing but I did discover that Nikon 5700 will give decent DoF in a brightly lit scene. Here is another shot of the monster bee which proves that.
I spent a large part of last Friday and Saturday at Vivek’s studio – he was trying to take pictures of flowers and Yellow / Red Capsicums, the idea was to have the subject submerged in a water tank with bubbles from the bottom as well as top, at the same time the flowers should not appear bent like having just been thrust forcefully but rather appear to be growing out of the water surface when the picture was flipped vertically… Thats the best I can describe it. The whole experience was a mixture of lots of experimentation, fun, frustration and education. After about 500+ shots there were enough perfect ones to satisfy Vivek.
Work has started on converting our aangan in a studio, It will not be big, about 10’x15’, but will serve well for whatever I do now.
For most photographers the term “low-key” is usually defined by photos that are
* Saturated colors at the bottom end of the tonal value scale,
* Deep shadows, and
* Few, but very high contrasts.
Also “low-key” usually conveys a mood of
* Serenity,
* Melancholy or
* Pathos.
However I somehow got the idea somewhere early on that “low-key” really meant that the entire tonal range in a low key photograph should be between 100% to 80% black with negligent or no high contrast points.
Since then I have countless times discovered that taking a photograph which is entirely in 100% to 80% black and at the same time not sad is a very very tough task.
Day before I once again revisited the theme – with some amount of success I would like to believe….
I was once again painfully reminded that my Nikon5700 is pathetic for the job 🙁
We were recently discussing if I should narrow down the scope of my photography and very quickly concluded that I have not yet learnt enough to do so. I will continue to do photography as and how the opportunities are served to me…
Have recently added an album on Street Photography on my site. These I plan will have pictures which I feel tell a story, honestly most of the pictures I have not really been taken with a premeditated story in mind but it is something which evolves on retrospection.
Would like to hear what does the picture on the left say to you…. does it ? or it is a complete waste of time?
Have been doing some outdoor shoots with Vivek, unfortunately due to model release and commercial usage hassles I cannot as yet publish any of those pictures.
Back from the miracle called Linux-Bangalore 2004. Atul and Co (well, really it should be we) know why I am calling this event a miracle!!
Since most of you have already blogged about it I won’t go into the technical/non-personal details of the that except a special mention about the things that we were made to put up with in Herald Harald Welte’s blog. Hopefully all that would be just history as we take lessons from Andrew Cowie who was as enamoured with Swati’s apparel as I was with this notebook + camera carry case. It was indeed a pleasure to talk to him over an informal paper cup of coffee…
Another highlight of the stay in Bangalore was dinner at Shiok with Khader and Mona (thanks 🙂 )
I have uploaded 111 pictures of the event at my site, most of these pictures have been taken by Aasim and thus represent his perceptions and his, at times funny, view point of interest.
We spent an enjoyable weekend in the suburbs of Mumbai catching up with Swati’s long time friend Nandani and Swati’s younger sister.
Lastly it was a relief to come back to the office and find that the sky had not fallen when I was away