eXpressive: 7/10
Practical: 6/10
Physical: 6/10
Giver: 6/10

You are a XPYG–Expressive Practical Physical Giver. This makes you a Roving Spouse.

You are magnetic, charming, and impossible to resist. You have no problem with approaching the opposite sex — it just comes naturally to you, and the thrill of warming up a stranger is one of your great drives. Still, very few people really know you. You don’t just *feel* misunderstood — you are. You are probably nursing a heartache that you never let on.

You’re calm in a conflict (almost *too* calm — a more emotional partner may wonder why you’re not more engaged) and quick with affection. Fighting makes you uncomfortable, but as you avoid direct conflict your frustrations can manifest in the cold shoulder and passive-aggression, which is no better! Still, you make a loving, doting parent — giving more love than discipline — and your children prefer you.

Like an XSYG, you put so much thought and effort in what you give to your partner that you feel dismissed and unappreciated if you don’t get the same in return. You also give and think so much that you can also talk yourself into cheating — physically or emotionally — and this can lead a cycle of conflict, guilt, conflict-avoidance, chilly atmosphere and then more cheating. But you’ll stay with your partner in the long run from guilt and a desire to please.

You’ve got to open up! You express and give so much of yourself in other ways — don’t be afraid to express what’s bothering you.

I’m only being so hard on you because you remind me of me.

Of the 21920 people who have taken this quiz, 9.7 % are this type.

Hmmm…. this reveals too much of me for my own comfort, and most readers can also forget about magnetic and charming part 😉

  • eXpressive: 5/10
    Practical: 7/10
    Physical: 6/10
    Giver: 10/10

    You are a RPYG–Reserved Practical Physical Giver. This makes you a 1950s Parent.

    You are relentlessly patient, loving, generous and devoted. You are unflappable. If on some rare occasion you do raise your voice or say a swear word in anger, anyone around to hear it will remember it (and think it was funny). At the same time, you’re very cute and charming, and even if you don’t catch someone’s eye at the beginning of the night you’ll surely have their attention by the end.

    Your calm, conservative nature conceals a passionate (and sexy!) heart.

    You can have trouble bringing up problems, but your approach to conflict is calm and even-handed. The problem can be is that you are so busy worrying about your partner’s satisfaction that you don’t ensure your own. This can build up over time and make you restless. Despite your sexual nature, you are more likely to cheat emotionally than physically.

    You tend to work out your frustrations in the bedroom. Depending on your partner, this can be an excellent strategy. You would be a great candidate to balance out an XSYT, but not a good match for an unappreciative RPYT.

    You have an odd, ritualized vice that doesn’t suit the rest of your persona — like smoking a certain brand of cigarettes or drinking a certain kind of wine.

    Of the 25511 people who have taken this quiz, 4.5 % are this type.