Been a slowly progressing lazy Sunday, been sitting in the sun talking to Swati about distant dreams… lots of them from far very far in future.
Also been reading the Extending PHP chapter from Rasmus’s book. That is the single most useful resource on writing C extensions….
In many ways learning to code PHP extensions is more about learning the meta language which is defined by the API macros than C itself. It reminds me of the days when I had begun adding snippets of Z80 machine code to my Spectrum Basic programs.
Swati now intends to get a Hindi flick to watch and most likely we men will fall asleep about 45min into it 😀
Cut to 3 and a half hours later
Finished watching KHNH – Did not sleep, in fact rather enjoyed the humour
BTW, I am posting this using Deepest Sender the Mozilla based LJ Client. While I wouldn’t recommend it as your primary LJ client I find it rather feature rich.
Aasim wants us to go out for Dinner