A lot of friends took the Which OS you are quiz. The most common result seems to be Palm OS 🙂
Hmm… … There are still some whose results I would like to see 😉
Java still sux – If I have to pass a series of commands to runtime I have to first get its outputStream and then write to it!!!
Continuing on the on everything is irrelevant theme – The price you pay to be “in style”
Thong underwear: Vaginal and urinary tract infections
Tight pants: Low sperm count, rash, infection
Body piercing, tattooing: Hepatitis C transmission and other infections, allergy trigger
High-heel shoes: Foot, knee and back problems
Big shoulder bags: Shoulder and back problems
Corsets: Fainting, shortness of breath, atrophy of the back muscles
Fashion magazines: Poor body image, eating disorders
From: https://www.ama-assn.org/sci-pubs/amnews/pick_02/hlsc0805.htm