Process Too Complicated To Explain – a phrase I recalled when I left a comment for iceprincess about Salman Rushdie. This is from his book “Haroun and the sea of stories”

P2C2E is what I would say to the friend who commented – “I thought you used Linux always, then why these recent entries?”

Having said that I would like to explain!!

I have used Linux at work since a long time now. Swati who uses a computer basically as a desktop workstation used Windows despite having tried N times to shift … ….

The computer at home was also basically a Windows machine because of Aasim and things like my Digi Camera would not work with Linux. Finally last weekend I converted the machines to be dual booting. Since I use the Digi Cam and Palm form home I never bothered trying to make them work under Linux before this.

Ironically, from next week at least for some time I will again be working on a Windows machine – This client has got a config of Windows + IIS + M$SQL + PHP on his server we are now savvy enough not to refuse business just because the client uses windows …. …..