The Essentials

Was a nice Sunday – Shopped in the evening till we dropped, mostly essentials, hey we purchased it so it better be essential!! Also picked up nice crystal (real crystal) paper weight with a sunflower engraved in it – a very very essential item in our day to day life.

This was followed by the still more essential dinner of Malai Kebab, Muglai chicken and Roomali roti, calorie count be damned. Oh! it was a Sunday and we don’t count calories on Sunday.

Thank God, tomorrow is Monday…

One more LJ user added

Just invited (and she accepted 😉 Swati as an LJ user

Haat Ka Chamatkaar

Is that how “The magic of Palm” will translate into Hindi? I am already tickled pink thinking what will happen if a Hindi movie was made where everyone uses a Palm pilot!!! In the very least the Palm will transform itself into a combination of Phaser, Communicator and Teleporter. Then when the hero and heroine

Plucker Vs AvantGo

Both are offline HTML readers for Palm, AvantGo ( is commercial and you have some things like channels which you subscribe to … AvantGo has the advantage of having the basics of Forms – where values are stored and submitted to the web server on the next sync – this is the feature which makes

Of Mags and Rags

Despite what friend achitnis wrote on his website and the thread which was at kalyan‘s journal, I picked up a copy of PCQ from the vendor cause emblazoned across the cover was the word “LINUX” in bright red!! The mag has 145 pages out of which about 60 are ads + product reviews + letters

Of mangement , friends etc

Advice : “Never let an employee think that he is indespensible” Fact: “No one is indespensible” That said – it is still early in the day – looks like will be one of those burning midnight oil, grinding fingertips to knuckles on the keyboard kind of a day. Had taken Swati to “Dr Shailesh Pitale”,

Sleepy End

The heat is on!! Nagpur is getting hotter – the daily evening walks will have to be taken even later now … The day passed in a whirlwind of activity – with me having to code and troubleshoot for three projects simultaneously. Am too sleepy even to think what all I did – roughly around

Of hand rearing Squirrels and their small things.

Of hand rearing Squirrels and their small things.

Today we adopted Kit and Kut , the latest in our squirrel orphans. That makes it 9 of them in all. It all started with UhUh ( seen in the pic with Simba) who we got in almost an year ago … … Back then we did not know anything about hand rearing squirrel babies.

The weekend ending

Wife Swati succeeded 😉 Rest of the afternoon passed watching bits and pieces of Sai Paranjape’s (?) classic “Chasme Baddoor” and reading Ringworld – fascinating but not really gripping as Asimov and neither does it have the social scenarios like Arthur C Clarke. Did not realize when I succumbed to the embrace of Morpheus, got

The weekend!

TANJ!! 4:30 am and the overhead tank manages to overflow splattering water right outside the bedroom window. Didn’t look like a good beginning to a Sunday I intended to enjoy peacefully. BUT then thanks to PWD the water pressure must have eased and I was able to sleep till 9:00 am – which is almost