You are old when…

Me: When everything and anything you say is taken seriously

Swati: When you are a man and above 40

Aasim: When you are in Std 1st

You: ?

  • When a younger dude comes up and fixes my broken LINUX box ! 🙂


  • you can grab the bar in buses like grown ups do.
    I used to reach for that bar every time I was on a bus for 12 looooong years.

  • When you are a woman over 35 and think that men above 40 are old.

    • LOL

      What is that parable about a thief and his beard ….

  • …when you stop thinking you are a kid at heart.

    • That’s not when you are old. That’s when you are dead.

  • when you let pessimism grip you.

  • Sure shot way….

    Take a gun and point it at the dudes head by whom you want to be taken seriously. Age/Sex/stature/Linux boxes etc., may not work, but this will definately work

  • when you talk about “the good old days”

  • when realization dawns that u struggle to do things that u were able accomplish eaily earlier

  • When you look at kids and think – heh…poor sods, they’re going to grow up some day.

  • mmk


    When you begin to contemplate questions such as this one..

  • When your parents willingly allow you in the front seat while taking the backseat themselves….

  • when you see the ruckus kids of 12th std and college are creating at a restaurant .. shake your head and say “these kids…”… :))

    happened when and me were having lunch at “The Only Place” on saturday.. 🙂

  • When you have a gun in your hand.