Pictures from Aasim’s B’day

The Morning After

30 odd 6 year olds, about that many parents, 3 teachers, lots of good food, children’s music = Aasim’s 6th birthday party.

It was yesterday evening – amazingly we are still perfectly sane and unhurt 🙂

I did start with taking pictures but soon realized that I was more needed to attend to guests so I abandoned my quest, will soon put up whatever I have snapped. As a parent the enlightenment for me was how much the girls of Aasim’s class are crazy after him – there were fights for who will be next to him when he cuts the cake and then one exclaiming – “Auntie look I got Aasim” and proudly showing Swati in her plate the piece of cake which had Aasim’s written name on it.

Even though busy I did manage to flirt enough with one of his good looking ex-teachers to convince her to come for a portrait session, yeah Swati assisted me, so don’t bother with all those wry comments.

And that brings me to the other good news – I will have my new camera within next 15 days – the lost $$ (thanks to some stupid bimbo in a US bank) have finally reached my account!!