A return bolt of lightening is 400,000 times faster than a space shuttle

We had another thunderstorm yesterday – thankfully being wise to it, we disconnected everything, Swati even advised the Cablewala to do it, he did it as well! So far so good, the problem arose when he no longer could put the things back – we got connected only after 8 hours of blackout or should it be called netout.

Have finally tweaked my machine as I like it the only complaint is that the new version of Log Jam does not (and will not ever) allow long subject lines. The other rant of the the day is that FTP to SANIsoft site for some reason is not working in passive mode and cable allows only passive mode FTP. Have taken out tons of pictures to be uploaded to the new album which I am creating… …

Upgraded to new GAIM 0.60 and thanks to installed apt

  • I can’t wait to see the photos … You are so gifted with your camera!