The world’s first patent was granted in 1421 to architect Filippo Brunelleschi in Florence to make a barge crane to transport marble.

Yesterday I downloaded my free copy of January issue of the magazine PHP|architect.

Despite my initial disdain the magazine over all turned out to be pretty good reading. Have written an impromptu review here

Among other things I have decided to go back and re-learn one of the things which I had left behind JAVA !!!

This is due to the fact that Rajesh who was my mentor in early Linux days and the main motivator behind SANIsoft insisted this – in the end said that we have to do it as a favor. This is something I just cannot refuse. So we have this new Java programmer at SANIsoft, though Rajesh has said that he will co-ordinate the project himself from US but I don’t really like the idea of being a clueless CTO so I have to learn… …

Besides Swati says that the money is good (duh!?)