The Gila monster spends about 96 percent of its life underground.

It was with some amount of anticipation that I clicked the link to “What should I do with my Life” in ‘s journal. Though nothing against the author or the content of the article I was quite disappointed. This is a great article for someone in their late teens or early tweens or someone currently unemployed.

I am in a different kind of dilemma I embarked on passionate set of dreams about 20 years ago and realized every single one of them. Some trivial ones were indeed dropped, deemed as not worth following but anything I valued I did not let go till it came true … …

May be I aimed wee bit low than what was / is my potential. These dreams were molded by the reality of being a school teachers son – so naturally the list did not have things like “Having my own Lear Jet” stuff, BUT they were my *dreams*. Struggling to fulfill them was a thrill seeing them fulfilled was very satisfying… …

What next? I am now bored (yeah it has been there since past so many months). I did not let go of my dreams now they wont let go of me. I am a prisoner of my own achievements, more like I am prisoner of the responsibilities of my dreams… …

I am not saying that I want to shrug that responsibility – just that I am bored of it!! I know I had written about this a few months ago and was then caught up in the Bangkok project, but the boredom did not go away – It was just pushed back for a while.

Also note that boredom does not mean that I am not happy – but I dread that the boredom will soon degenerate into a sense of futility.

Hmm… does any one know of an article like “What to do with my life next”