
One year… …

Exactly one year since I had my first (and only) angina attack. It was so sudden that Swati refused to take me seriously till after the episode passed.

Thankfully God have been kind and I dont have any detectable cardiac damage and my exercise tolerence has greatly improved. I am also off medications since past 6 months. As a doctor I can opine that in all probability I will remain symptom free for rest of my life, provided I continue with the altered lifestyle.

Oh yes! one year since WTC evaporated, everyone will be writing about it so I will skip it.

  • Angina??? wow….Take care…watch Rugrats…they are really good for one’s heart 🙂

    May the force be with u 🙂

    • Thanks for the concern, yes even I suspect not watching enough cartoons brought it on 😉

      But I tell you it was a scary thing