It is almost mid night, hot, humid and no electricity since past 5 hours. I am sitting in dark, the emergency lamps have long burnt out, writing this on my palm PocketLJ

May be I should go to the office, there I can watch a movie – the UPS will last for ages if I run just one machine. Pity we dont have a table fan… I could have slept then, if I am not mistaken a fan consumes just about the same amount of electricity as a computer?

MSEB guys say that entire UP, MP and most of Maharashtra is blacked out – sabotage?

The morning papers will tell about it – that is if they get published!!!

  • Madhya Pradesh Rocks! 😉

    Wokay! That explains the power outage that mom / dad referred to when I called up home yesterday night.

    You see…. my Madhya Pradesh can always manage to be the “Madhya” of all controversies, deeds, blah. And the latest one…. they can pull off the power cable of tons of other states in the country even without looking at them.

    So beware! 😉

    Madhya Pradesh Rocks!
